Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior Test | Final Test - Easy

Dan Millman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior Test | Final Test - Easy

Dan Millman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mama Chia draw?
(a) The Tower of Seven Powers.
(b) The Tower of Seven Floors.
(c) The Seven Towers of Babel.
(d) The Seven Towers of Saren.

2. Who is Dan's guardian angel?
(a) Socrates.
(b) His higher self.
(c) His deceased grandmother.
(d) Michael.

3. Where does Dan awaken?
(a) In his bed at Mama Chia's house.
(b) At the burial site.
(c) In Ohio.
(d) On a surfboard.

4. What childhood horror does Dan relive?
(a) Of being lost at a store and not being able to find his mama.
(b) Of his dog dying slowly.
(c) Of being locked in a storage trunk by bullies.
(d) Of his father accidentally being killed in front of him.

5. What sometimes happens when angelic souls overshadow primitive animals to experience life through them?
(a) They die.
(b) They cannot separate.
(c) They elevate the souls of the animals.
(d) They move forward in evolution.

6. What does each floor represent?
(a) A path to god.
(b) An expanded state of awareness.
(c) Nothing.
(d) A way to meditate.

7. Where has Dan been?
(a) He has been to heaven and understood all things.
(b) He has been to his own hell and faced his demons.
(c) He has been to read the Akashic records.
(d) He has been asleep.

8. Why should Dan meditate by the waterfall?
(a) So the sound blocks out his thoughts.
(b) To really hear the waterfall.
(c) No particular reason.
(d) If he needs to prove something to himself.

9. When Dan stops being an observer to become part of the community, what happens?
(a) He stops worrying about catching leprosy.
(b) He understands Mama Chia's purpose.
(c) He realizes how shallow he is.
(d) He is ready to leave.

10. What self is represented by the heart?
(a) The Higher Self.
(b) The Emotional Self.
(c) The Caring Self.
(d) The Feeling Self.

11. What does Mama Chia say one reason is for her relationship with Dan?
(a) She learns about America from Dan.
(b) She assists others through Dan.
(c) She does not say anything in particular.
(d) She grows as he grows.

12. With what does Dan struggle as they are walking along the cliff?
(a) Depression.
(b) Anger.
(c) Vertigo.
(d) Lack of faith.

13. When does one ceases to practice a way and becomes The Way?
(a) Just before enlightenment.
(b) When one is content serving others.
(c) After ascension.
(d) When the person and god are one.

14. What do Mama Chia and Dan do with the thousands of starfish washed up on the beach?
(a) Leave them to their karma.
(b) Rescue as many as possible.
(c) Take pictures.
(d) Collect a few to dry out.

15. What are an Indian leper, a French drunk, a suburban teen sniffing drugs, and a dying African baby?
(a) Mama Chia's images of Dan.
(b) Four scenes through which Dan moves in the white tower.
(c) Four people who confront Dan about his life.
(d) Dan's four alter egos.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Dan call one of the punks?

2. What does Dan think is one reason Socrates sends him to Mama Chia?

3. Who are aware at birth?

4. What does the world mirror?

5. The third level is about what?

(see the answer keys)

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