Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Dan Millman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sacred Journey of the Peaceful Warrior Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Dan Millman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the author do for a job right after graduation?
(a) Sells cars.
(b) Computer programmer.
(c) Sells insurance.
(d) Practices law.

2. What does Dan have to keep fighting off?
(a) Panic.
(b) Rage.
(c) Despondency.
(d) Lassitude.

3. What cure does Ruth prescribe for Dan?
(a) A sauna.
(b) A barefoot walk on coals.
(c) A tanning booth.
(d) A barefoot walk in the surf.

4. What does Mama Chia say she did nine years ago?
(a) Gave a speech at the World Holistic Conference.
(b) Meet Socrates in India.
(c) Contacted an alien.
(d) Help bring Sachi into the world.

5. How does Dan respond when he realizes his predicament?
(a) By trying to contact the authorities with his cell phone.
(b) With fear.
(c) With a sense of adventure.
(d) With a sense of anticipation.

6. After Stanford, where does the author accept a teaching position?
(a) Swarthmore.
(b) University of Georgia.
(c) Oberlin College.
(d) University of Ohio.

7. What has bothered Dan since the surfboard incident?
(a) The idea of faith.
(b) The idea of death.
(c) The ocean.
(d) Mama Chia's lackadaisical mannerisms.

8. What schools does Millman attend regularly?
(a) Schools about India's history and culture.
(b) Schools for learning about the flora and fauna of India.
(c) Schools of yoga.
(d) None.

9. When do Mama Chia's parents die?
(a) When she is 44.
(b) When she is 19.
(c) When she is 11.
(d) When she is 7.

10. What does Dan jokingly say he'll call the diet he follows while floating on the surfboard?
(a) The Mama Chia Diet.
(b) The Stupidity Diet.
(c) The Surfboard Diet.
(d) The non-eating diet.

11. What is the major difference between the author and his wife, Linda?
(a) She is comfortable in the "conventional" world and he is not.
(b) She is meticulous and organized and he is sloppy.
(c) He is meticulous and organized and she is sloppy.
(d) He is comfortable in the "conventional" world and she is not.

12. What does Socrates say about the search for ultimate meaning?
(a) "'End before you start.'"
(b) "'Better to start whether or not you can finish.'"
(c) "'Start and see where it leads.'"
(d) "'Better never to begin...but once begun...better finish.'"

13. What is the best definition for the Hawaiian word "kahuna?"
(a) The head honcho.
(b) The one who is to blame.
(c) Magician or expert in any situation.
(d) The one who is to sustain.

14. What is going on at the house when Dan arrives?
(a) A seance.
(b) A funeral.
(c) A wake.
(d) A party.

15. With what has Mama Chia put Dan in touch?
(a) God.
(b) Another man on a similar journey.
(c) His inner records.
(d) Dan's daughter.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is one thing Ruth and Dan have in common?

2. What is so painful during Dan's time on the surfboard?

3. Who does Millman meet outside the last bank he visits?

4. What does Mama Chia say when Dan tells her he is drained and depressed?

5. What kind of juice do Ruth and Dan have to drink when they first meet?

(see the answer keys)

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