Russian Stories: A Dual-Language Book Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Russian Stories: A Dual-Language Book Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Dolgushov give to the narrator?
(a) His papers.
(b) Twenty rubles.
(c) A love letter to his girlfriend.
(d) His mother's ring.

2. What is the name of the house-chairman who comes over to Martin Martinych's place at dusk?
(a) Zeremensky.
(b) Selikhov.
(c) Sakharov.
(d) Zoliesky.

3. What does Paka say his name would be if he were a common boy and not a prince?
(a) Prokopy.
(b) Pasha.
(c) Pavel.
(d) Pyotr.

4. In "Sunstroke", what does the lieutenant hear in the cathedral?
(a) Ominous chanting.
(b) Bells tolling.
(c) A sermon.
(d) Loud singing.

5. When Paka asked why the boys are armed as they are, who do they say they are?
(a) Redskins.
(b) Hittites.
(c) Huns.
(d) Ninjas.

6. How does the aunt put out the candles in "Yuletide Story"?
(a) With her fingers.
(b) By blowing them out.
(c) By turning them upside down and smashing the wicks.
(d) With a snuffer.

7. What sort of eau de cologne scent is left in the hotel by the woman in "Sunstroke"?
(a) Italian.
(b) English.
(c) Spanish.
(d) French.

8. What are nurses doing as they lie in the grass in "The Death of Dolgushov"?
(a) Reading.
(b) Knitting.
(c) Bleeding.
(d) Singing.

9. What does the doctor forget at the middle-aged citizen's apartment?
(a) His overshoes.
(b) His hat.
(c) His tool bag.
(d) His umbrella.

10. In the morning, what is Varka asked to do after she lights the stove?
(a) Wash the clothes.
(b) Wash the dishes.
(c) Put on the samovar.
(d) Run to the store.

11. In "The Death of Dolgushov", who is the disgraced commander of the Fourth Division?
(a) Korochayev.
(b) Selikhov.
(c) Radziwillow.
(d) Martinych.

12. Who is charged with watching over Paka?
(a) Two Arguses.
(b) A shepherd from the village.
(c) A handyman.
(d) Two muses.

13. In "Sunstroke," what river is the steamer traversing when the lieutenant meets the woman he has an attraction to?
(a) The Danube.
(b) The Neva.
(c) The Volga.
(d) The Svir.

14. What does Dolgushov say to use on him when the narrator finds him?
(a) A cartridge.
(b) Antibiotics.
(c) Morphine.
(d) A knife.

15. What does Paka see on the eldest boy that surprises him?
(a) A long braid.
(b) A long scar.
(c) A gold watch.
(d) A school badge.

Short Answer Questions

1. What sort of steamer does the woman take when she leaves the lieutenant in "Sunstroke"?

2. What does Paka consider himself to be?

3. What does Martin Martinych hide from Masha that is in his desk drawer?

4. On which day do Martin Martinych and Masha board up the study?

5. How is the woman who comes to the doctor's office in "Yuletide Story" described?

(see the answer keys)

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