Russian Stories: A Dual-Language Book Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Russian Stories: A Dual-Language Book Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What street does the barber Ivan Yakovlevich live on?
(a) Kolya Avenue.
(b) Krasnoy Street.
(c) Pushkin Street.
(d) Voznesensky Avenue.

2. Who is the governor-general of Moscow at the time "The Clothesmender" takes place?
(a) Prince Golitsyn.
(b) Baron Klinevich.
(c) Count Zakrevsky.
(d) Duke Sergeyevich.

3. To where does the police officer who brings Major Kovalyov's nose back to him, say he has to go when he is offered a cup of tea?
(a) A mental asylum.
(b) A gymnasium.
(c) A hospital.
(d) The post office.

4. What is the tailor handed when he walks into Room One after being summoned there by the occupant?
(a) The garment he mended.
(b) The key to the room.
(c) A glass of wine.
(d) A pot of money.

5. Where does Ivan Yakovlevich go to dispose of the nose he finds in his bread?
(a) Anichkin Bridge.
(b) Dolya Bridge.
(c) Police Bridge.
(d) St. Isaac's Bridge.

6. What color is the water in the cemetery that is being baled out with a dipper by the gravedigger in "Bobok"?
(a) Black.
(b) Brown.
(c) Green.
(d) Yellow.

7. To what variety of collegiate assessors does Major Kovalyov belong?
(a) The scholarly variety.
(b) The clerk variety.
(c) The Caucasus variety.
(d) The cornelian variety.

8. What do editors say that Ivan Ivanovich's stories lack when he brings them to their offices?
(a) Dirt.
(b) Coherence.
(c) Salt.
(d) Humor.

9. To where is Ivan Yakovlevich trying to escape when he is apprehended by the police?
(a) Siberia.
(b) Kamchatka.
(c) Moscow.
(d) Riga.

10. What does the occupant of Room One from the beginning of "The Clothesmender" do when the tailor tries to comfort him at the end of the story?
(a) Offers him a new job as a clerk.
(b) Hits him with a stick.
(c) Gives him more money.
(d) Shoots him.

11. What is the smell Pyotr Petrovich encounters as he enters the bee hut?
(a) Mesquite and mahogany.
(b) Lavender and roses.
(c) Mint and melissa.
(d) Rosemary and thyme.

12. What does Major Kovalyov give the police officer as he is leaving?
(a) A gold watch.
(b) Snuff.
(c) A red bank note.
(d) Some bread.

13. What is the stationmaster's name?
(a) Sasha Petrovich.
(b) Kolya Ivanovich.
(c) Nikolai Rensky.
(d) Samson Vyrin.

14. To whom is Lukerya betrothed when she is a young girl?
(a) Sergei Andropov.
(b) Vasily Polyakov.
(c) Nikolai Bogdanovich.
(d) Borislav Ivanovich.

15. What does the police inspector prefer to everything else in "The Nose"?
(a) A bank note.
(b) Chocolate.
(c) A compliment.
(d) Manicures.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is staying in Room One the next New Year's Eve in "The Clothesmender"?

2. Who does Lukerya say has great patience when Pyotr Petrovich compliments her on her own patience?

3. Why does the second hermit have trouble reciting what the Bishop teaches him?

4. Who suggests in "Bobok" that the corpses should no longer be ashamed?

5. How is Ivan Ivanovich described by the painter who exhibits his portrait?

(see the answer keys)

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