Running Out of Time Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Running Out of Time Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the beginning of Chapter 21, who is Jessie waiting for?
(a) The mayor.
(b) Radio stations.
(c) The health department.
(d) The police.

2. What does Jessie do when the bread truck driver opens the doors in Chapter 12?
(a) She jumps out.
(b) She asks him to help her out.
(c) She tells him where to go.
(d) She starts to cry.

3. In the beginning of Chapter 20, after jumping from the window, what does Jessie think of?
(a) Her dog running.
(b) A bird flying.
(c) Her cat hunting.
(d) A mouse hiding.

4. What does Miles Clifton admit to doing to the residents of Clifton?
(a) Changing their DNA.
(b) Trapping the children.
(c) Paying them money.
(d) Running experiments on them.

5. What does Mr. Neely agree to do the first time he speaks to Jessie on the phone?
(a) Give her money.
(b) Call the police.
(c) Pick her up.
(d) Tell her mother she is fine.

6. In Chapter 22, where does Katie say she saw Jessie?
(a) In a black box.
(b) In a phone booth.
(c) From a passing car.
(d) On the steps.

7. When Jessie wakes up in Chapter 22, who does she first ask for?
(a) The reporters.
(b) The Health Department.
(c) Mr. Neely.
(d) Her family.

8. How does Jessie meet the mystery man in Chapter 15?
(a) He runs into her.
(b) She asks him for directions.
(c) He asks to use the phone.
(d) She knocks him over.

9. Why does the woman at the State Health Department hang up on Jessie the first time she calls?
(a) She has another call.
(b) Jessie hangs up on her.
(c) She thinks it is a joke.
(d) The reception is bad.

10. What happens at the end of Chapter 15?
(a) Someone tells Jessie to hop in a car.
(b) Jessie sits down on a bench.
(c) The mystery man grabs Jessie.
(d) Jessie finds a bike.

11. In Chapter 22, where does Katie say the children from Clifton are?
(a) At modern schools.
(b) With the government.
(c) Back at Clifton.
(d) The hospital.

12. What highway sign is Jessie looking for when she leaves Clifton?
(a) North 37.
(b) West 75.
(c) Main South.
(d) She isn't sure what sign to look for.

13. Why does Jessie not lie down in bed in Chapter 17?
(a) There isn't a bed in her room.
(b) She wants to hear Mr. Neely on the phone.
(c) She thinks the modern bed is uncomfortable.
(d) She is too awake to sleep.

14. In Chapter 17, why does Mr. Neely tell a stranger on the phone that he may have to kill Jessie?
(a) Because she is getting him in trouble.
(b) Because she is sick.
(c) Because she knows too much.
(d) He doesn't say this.

15. Why does Ray say he stopped his car in Chapter 16?
(a) To hurt Jessie.
(b) To ask Jessie directions.
(c) To help Jessie.
(d) To get to know Jessie.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 20, what does the old woman tell Jessie at the bus stop?

2. After Jessie's press conference, why do many reporters not want to publish Jessie's story?

3. How does Jessie feel when she wakes up in Chapter 19?

4. After leaving the bread truck and walking along the highway, what does Jessie question?

5. After Jessie's news conference, who do the reporters call?

(see the answer keys)

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