Running from Safety: An Adventure of the Spirit Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Running from Safety: An Adventure of the Spirit Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Richard feels like __________________ at the event.
(a) The Joker.
(b) Spiderman.
(c) Batman.
(d) Robin Hood.

2. What is Richard's response when Dickie asks him to tell him something that he needs to know more than anything?
(a) Religion is necessary.
(b) Life is a game.
(c) People are crazy.
(d) Love is an experiment.

3. What does Richard tell Dickie about Dickie's future?
(a) He should let his destiny take control.
(b) He can be anyone he wants to be.
(c) He should travel before settling down.
(d) He needs to get a Master's Degree.

4. Richard discovers that many people near him at the event are ________________.
(a) authors.
(b) Catholics.
(c) politicians.
(d) pilots.

5. What job does Richard do after leaving the Air Force?
(a) Mechanic.
(b) Barista.
(c) Technical writer.
(d) Cook.

Short Answer Questions

1. Richard tries to explain space-time to Dickie as if he were a/an _______________________.

2. In Chapter 38, Richard realizes that Dickie has become more of a/an _______________ than a lost inner child.

3. Where does Richard find Dickie as Richard heads out to do some paragliding in Chapter 34?

4. Which of the following is NOT included in Richard's fantasy of escape from the event?

5. Why does Dickie's brother say he must stay smart?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Richard view Dickie in Chapter 34 as opposed to seeing him as an imaginary friend in Chapter 33?

2. How does Richard turn around the negative feelings he had regarding attending the charity ball?

3. Why are Richard and Leslie at cross purposes regarding what to tell Dickie about love and marriage?

4. How are Dickie and Richard at odds regarding security?

5. In what capacity was Dickie at the charity ball and why is Richard upset by Dickie's behavior there?

6. What does Richard's attempts at getting Dickie to stay show about their relationship at this point?

7. Explain some of the philosophies of life that Richard explains to Dickie such as space-time and the elements of the human experience.

8. What is a common theme in the book, and how does Richard use this factor to grow his character?

9. What does Richard recall about his brother, Bobby's, death?

10. What example does Richard give regarding taking a risk and doing something you love as opposed to doing what other people may think of as stability?

(see the answer keys)

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