Ruined Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Lynn Nottage
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ruined Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Lynn Nottage
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which character does Christian instruct, telling her to avoid making "Mama angry" (18)?
(a) Sophie.
(b) Salima.
(c) Josephine.
(d) Christina.

2. What term does Salima use to classify her own identity when talking to Sophie?
(a) Congolese.
(b) Hema.
(c) Kasai.
(d) Ituri.

3. The stage directions that begin Scene 1 of Act One describe the sounds of what type of environment?
(a) A desert.
(b) A mangrove swamp.
(c) A savannah.
(d) A rainforest.

4. What kind of leader is Kisembe said to be in Scene 2 of Act One?
(a) Democratic.
(b) Communist.
(c) Gang.
(d) Rebel.

5. What nationality is Mr. Harari, the diamond merchant who frequents Mama's place?
(a) Peruvian.
(b) Nicaraguan.
(c) Lebanese.
(d) Congolese.

Short Answer Questions

1. What favorite food of Beatrice's is discussed in Scene 3 of Act One?

2. Mama recalls her mother taking her and her brothers to what location so that she could "visit with uncles" (18)?

3. What language does the parrot featured in the play speak?

4. Who is dancing for tips from soldiers when Scene 2 of Act One opens?

5. What is NOT a staple Mama mentions when she asks Christian how she is supposed to do business without four key items?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the setting of Scene 3 in Act One and what is significant about Nottage's choice of setting?

2. In what setting does the play Ruined take place?

3. For what reason does Salima imagine Sophie to be carefree and how does Sophie disabuse her of that assumption in Scene 3 of Act One?

4. Describe Commander Osembenga.

5. What clue about Christian's true nature is revealed on his way out of the bar in Scene 1 of Act One?

6. What is the significance of Mama's query to Christian about whether he had "at least" [told] them this time"?

7. Who is Jerome Kisembe?

8. What two pieces of information about Sophie appear to convince Mama to take her in?

9. What major revelation does Salima share with Sophie in Scene 3 of Act One?

10. To whom does Mama appear to pledge her allegiance at the beginning of Scene 2 of Act One and why might appearances be deceiving in this case?

(see the answer keys)

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