Rubyfruit Jungle Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rubyfruit Jungle Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 4: Chapter 17.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mrs. Silver suggest Molly may want to do?
(a) Tell her parents she is gay.
(b) Become a photographer.
(c) Study harder.
(d) Run for student council president.

2. What decision does Molly make concerning Carl's death?
(a) She will not cry.
(b) Carl was old and it was his time.
(c) He should be cremated.
(d) Carrie killed him.

3. Why do the other women in Molly's dorm stop talking to Molly and Faye Raider?
(a) They are jealous of Faye's money.
(b) They don't like the sorority Molly is pledged to.
(c) They think Faye and Molly cheat on tests.
(d) They believe the two are lesbians.

4. What are the only times that Molly thought men were allowed to touch prior to seeing Ep and her father on the night of Jennifer's burial?
(a) While dancing.
(b) While shaking hands and fighting.
(c) While attending church services.
(d) While playing sports.

5. Why do Molly and Connie Pen have more freedom during their senior year than other students?
(a) No one pays any attention to what they do.
(b) They are well liked.
(c) They are the top students.
(d) They discover Mr. Beers's affair with Mrs. Silver.

Short Answer Questions

1. Under what conditions will Carrie allow Molly to stay in her home in Part 4: Chapter 17?

2. What does Jennifer die from?

3. Why do Molly and Brockhurst Detwiler end their money-making venture?

4. Who is Craig?

5. When Faye Raider and Molly are recognized by two women from college while visiting Jacksonville, what do they decide to tell the women?

(see the answer key)

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