Royal Flash, from the Flashman Papers Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Royal Flash, from the Flashman Papers Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Otto want to expose Flash as?
(a) An English traitor.
(b) A coward.
(c) An English agent.
(d) A cad.

2. What does Flash tell the guards they must guard?
(a) The jewels.
(b) Gustaf.
(c) Irma.
(d) The castle doors.

3. What does Flash hate about Gutav's life?
(a) The traveling around.
(b) The attention from women.
(c) The tea drinking.
(d) The constant partying.

4. Where does Flash come out from the pit?
(a) The moat.
(b) The river.
(c) The lake.
(d) Teh sea.

5. What is Flash's opinion of Duchess Irma?
(a) She is a ugly as a toad.
(b) She is as cold as stone.
(c) She as fun as a corpse.
(d) She is noble and brave.

6. What does Flash say is different about the Morrisons?
(a) They are happy.
(b) They are less hostile.
(c) They are dressed in rags.
(d) They are humble.

7. What does Rudi use to try to kill Gustaf?
(a) A pistol.
(b) A dagger.
(c) A axe.
(d) A saber.

8. Where do Flash and Irma spend their wedding night?
(a) A palace suite.
(b) A hunting lodge.
(c) A royal inn.
(d) A hotel.

9. Where does Rudi say he and Flash will travel to when they escape?
(a) Strackenz.
(b) Copenhagen.
(c) Munich.
(d) Berlin.

10. How does Flash describe Irma's demeanor on their wedding night?
(a) Cold.
(b) Happy.
(c) Warn.
(d) Miserable.

11. What does Flash say his sword is to protect?
(a) The honor of Strackenz.
(b) The honor of God.
(c) The honor of Duchess Irma.
(d) The honor of Denmark.

12. What is the name of the leader of the men at the cabin?
(a) Wren.
(b) Hansoen.
(c) Jackson.
(d) Sapten.

13. How does Lola treat Flash?
(a) Nicely.
(b) Harshly.
(c) Coldly.
(d) Lovingly.

14. To where do Flash and Hansen swim?
(a) Hansen's palace.
(b) The castle where Gustaf is imprisoned.
(c) Otto's castle.
(d) The cave where they have hidden weapons.

15. Where does Flash want to go by the end of the chapter?
(a) Ukraine.
(b) France.
(c) England.
(d) Germany.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who claims to believe Flash's story?

2. What reason does Flash give for going ahead with Otto's scheme?

3. Where does de Gautet say Gustaf is being held prisoner?

4. Where does Flash travel to at the end of the chapter?

5. With what country do the men sympathize?

(see the answer keys)

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