Royal Flash, from the Flashman Papers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Royal Flash, from the Flashman Papers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 97 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Royal Flash, from the Flashman Papers Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What country does Otto say is currently in conflict with Germany?
(a) Sweden.
(b) Iceland.
(c) Denmark.
(d) Norway.

2. What does Flash refer to his state at Lola's dinner party?
(a) Blind as a mole.
(b) Beastly drunk.
(c) Pissed as a newt.
(d) Wrong side of tipsy.

3. For what does the countess offer Flash £500?
(a) A new horse.
(b) Traveling expenses.
(c) A farm.
(d) A new house.

4. Who does Flash ask to teach him German?
(a) A waiter.
(b) A footman.
(c) A servant.
(d) A prince.

5. What does Ranelagh say is Rosanna's real name?
(a) Betsy James.
(b) Jane Smith.
(c) Petra Toms.
(d) Henrietta Yardley.

6. Who greets Flash in Strackenz?
(a) A prince.
(b) A carriage driver.
(c) A valet.
(d) A constable.

7. What is the name of the lord Flash visits in Chapter 3?
(a) Lord Horticulture.
(b) Lord Toms.
(c) Lord Formby.
(d) Lord Ranelagh.

8. How does the audience react to the revelation that Rosanna is not a Spanish daughter?
(a) They throw bottles at her.
(b) They boo her off the stage.
(c) They invade the stage.
(d) The ignore Lord Ranelagh.

9. Of what do the Morrisons accuse Flash?
(a) Godless gallivanting.
(b) Exposing minors.
(c) Joining the darkside.
(d) Devilish nastiness.

10. What is least admired about the countess?
(a) Her politics.
(b) Her violent tempers.
(c) Her meaness with money.
(d) Her dislike of peasants.

11. What is Rosanna's surname?
(a) McAnuff.
(b) James.
(c) Reagan.
(d) Jackson.

12. What is Otto's title?
(a) Marquis.
(b) Sir.
(c) Baron.
(d) Lord.

13. What happens when Lola leads Flash to a darkened room?
(a) He vomits.
(b) He has a seizure.
(c) They have sex.
(d) He passes out.

14. In what German city does Flash part ways with the waiter?
(a) Cologne.
(b) Munich.
(c) Berlin.
(d) Bremen.

15. Where does Rosanna say her husband is?
(a) At home.
(b) On holiday.
(c) At war.
(d) In the graveyard.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the friend with whom Flashman wants to seek adventure?

2. What is the name of Otto's family home?

3. What are the names of Otto's two men who travel with Flash?

4. Which of the following sports does Otto claim is more civilized than boxing?

5. How did Flashman become so rich?

(see the answer keys)

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