Roughing It Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Roughing It Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is a Kanaka?
(a) A native hut.
(b) A native canoe.
(c) A native game.
(d) A native fruit.

2. Why does the narrator resign as chief editor of the newspaper so quickly?
(a) He cannot produce enough content.
(b) The pay is not enough for him to live on.
(c) He has an argument with another writer.
(d) He receives a better offer from a different paper.

3. According to the legend, how long ago was the Whiteman Cement Mine discovered?
(a) Twenty-five years ago.
(b) Ten years ago.
(c) Fifteen years ago.
(d) Twelve years ago.

4. How many temples does the narrator see in the City of Refuge?
(a) Five.
(b) None.
(c) Three.
(d) Four.

5. How is Nookes thrown overboard from Blakely's boat?
(a) With his ankles tied.
(b) With his face beaten.
(c) With his arm broken.
(d) With his hands tied.

6. How is the silver ore melted before it is shipped to California?
(a) In bricks.
(b) In coins.
(c) In liquid form.
(d) In bars.

7. How many miles does the narrator travel to the islands of Mono Lake?
(a) Eighteen.
(b) Fourteen.
(c) Sixteen.
(d) Twelve.

8. How many times does Bill Nookes attempt to climb aboard Captain Ned Blakely's boat?
(a) Four times.
(b) Five times.
(c) Three times.
(d) Twice.

9. How long is the narrator the chief editor of the newspaper before resigning?
(a) Two weeks.
(b) Two days.
(c) One day.
(d) One week.

10. What bites the narrator during his stay in Honolulu?
(a) A scorpion.
(b) A snake.
(c) An alligator.
(d) A spider.

11. What two places does the narrator visit while in Honolulu?
(a) Sand Island and the King Pineapple Grove.
(b) Diamond Head and the King Coconut Grove.
(c) Diamond Head and the King Pineapple Grove.
(d) Sand Island and the King Coconut Grove.

12. How is the Whiteman Cement Mine described?
(a) Buried.
(b) Elusive.
(c) Accessible.
(d) Fabricated.

13. What does the narrator do after his lectures become a success?
(a) He hires an agent.
(b) He gives an interview to the newspaper.
(c) He hires a co-writer.
(d) He begins writing his lectures out to be published in the newspaper.

14. Where does Higbie go on the same day that the narrator leaves to take care of Capt. John Nye?
(a) To chase Mr. Whiteman.
(b) To sell their claim.
(c) To look for more mines.
(d) To visit a relative.

15. According to the information in Chapter LXIII, how many people live in Honolulu?
(a) Twenty thousand.
(b) Twenty-two thousand.
(c) Thirty thousand.
(d) Twelve thousand.

Short Answer Questions

1. What city is the narrator in when he waits in line to see a woman while mining?

2. What mountain does the narrator see as he is leaving for California?

3. When must work be performed on a new claim to prevent it from being relocated?

4. How long does the narrator stay with Capt. John Nye to help him through his spasmodic rheumatism?

5. How does Blakely threaten the jury at Nookes' trial?

(see the answer keys)

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