Roses Are Red Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Roses Are Red Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do the police and FBI set up to deal with the hijack situation?
(a) The White House lawn.
(b) The Executive Suites.
(c) The Mayflower Hotel.
(d) The Capitol Hilton.

2. What does Francis do in the condominium parking lot after jumping five stories into the swimming pool and running from Cross and Cavalierre?
(a) He poisons himself.
(b) He pepper sprays Cavalierre in the face.
(c) He calls Johns Hopkins to check on his application.
(d) He keys Cross' car.

3. What does Cavalierre drink that Cross matches in cups of coffee?
(a) Diet Coke.
(b) Jolt.
(c) Vodka and Pepsi.
(d) Cups of tea.

4. What is Nana doing when Cross arrives back in D.C.?
(a) Cleaning the attic.
(b) Cooking breakfast.
(c) Reading a book called "The Color of Water."
(d) Watching "Touched by an Angel" on television.

5. Part of the ransom demand is what instead of money?
(a) Large gold nuggets.
(b) Uncirculated Krugerrands.
(c) Uncut diamonds.
(d) Raw tanzanite.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much money does Cross part with at the end of the conversation with his psychiatrist?

2. What line of work are the suspects in the MetroHartford kidnapping in?

3. Who is a suspect in the robberies from the D.C. area?

4. Where does Cross see his psychiatrist?

5. Where do Cross and Cavalierre go to talk to Francis?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is significant about the Renaissance Mayflower Hotel? Who worked on the renovation of the hotel in 1992?

2. What currently links Dr. Francis to Hazelwood even though he no longer works there and is in Florida? How does Francis know Szabo?

3. When Cavalierre and Cross are getting off the elevator in the hotel in Hartford, why does she say "Walsh?" Why is it startling for Cross to think Walsh is there?

4. Does the Mastermind have the agents throw the money and diamonds from the train right away? How does he have them throw the money and diamonds off the train eventually?

5. Does Colonel Schofield bad-mouth Detective Cross to his staff at Hazelwood? What does Cross pose as when he goes undercover? Does he have the credentials for that area of expertise?

6. Why does it seem like Szabo would be a perfect fit for the First Union robbery? How does the job he had there fit with his mental disorder?

7. What does the Indian cab driver say when Cross flashes his detective's badge and jumps in while chasing Szabo? How does Szabo act when he gets out of his cab and starts walking down the street?

8. Of what caliber is the new crew the Mastermind is interviewing for his next robbery after killing the crew with Mr. Blue, Ms. Green, Mr. Red and Mr. White? How does he entice them to do his work for him?

9. How is Mitchell Brand classified by the team about to raid his apartment? Why?

10. What does Cross call Christine's apartment and garden in Mitchellville? What does Christine's garden remind Cross of?

(see the answer keys)

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