Rome Sweet Home: Our Journey to Catholicism Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Scott Hahn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rome Sweet Home: Our Journey to Catholicism Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Scott Hahn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Scott decide that he does not want to attend this church?
(a) It is too large.
(b) It does not believe.
(c) He does not believe.
(d) The members are rude.

2. What does Scott begin to believe about the Bible?
(a) It can be translated in many ways.
(b) It teaches that Scripture is the only message from God.
(c) It can be believed figuratively or literally.
(d) It teaches that Scripture respects tradition outside of Scripture as well.

3. Whose infallibility does Scott defend?
(a) Martin Luther's.
(b) His own.
(c) The Pope's.
(d) His wife's.

4. How is Scott a typical teenager?
(a) He is involved in many clubs.
(b) He is a good kid.
(c) He smokes marijuana.
(d) He plays sports.

5. Who does Scott meet his first year of high school who brings him into Young Life, a Christian Youth group?
(a) John.
(b) Jack.
(c) Jake.
(d) Gerry.

6. How does Kimberly feel at Trinity Presbyterian Church?
(a) Sad.
(b) Unhappy.
(c) Worried.
(d) Happy.

7. Scott begins to become inspired by what leaders?
(a) Of the Catholic Church.
(b) Of the Reformation.
(c) Of the Lutheran Church.
(d) Of the Presbyterian Church.

8. Of what do Scott and his friends convince Kimberly that God does not want her to be?
(a) A mother.
(b) A politician.
(c) A teacher.
(d) A pastor.

9. When Scott continued to aim his teachings at lost Catholics, did he easily shoot down the errors of the Catholics to whom he spoke?
(a) Yes.
(b) No.
(c) Somewhat.
(d) Mostly.

10. What is the Protestant theory of justification, or how one becomes saved?
(a) One was saved by being declared righteous by God through no merit of your own.
(b) One was saved only if he or she did not break the Ten Commandments.
(c) One was saved by being Christ-like.
(d) One was saved by his or her actions.

11. What is the 19th century British Cardinal Henry Newman?
(a) A major Catholic apologist.
(b) A minor Catholic apologist.
(c) A major Catholic evangelist.
(d) A minor Catholic evangelist.

12. They are eventually engaged and are delighted to find that they both want what?
(a) To be ministers.
(b) To move to Cincinnati.
(c) A home.
(d) Children.

13. What is the central doctrine of Protestants?
(a) Sola fide.
(b) Sola fidore.
(c) Sola scriptura.
(d) Sola fidelity.

14. What does this job give him time to do?
(a) Work on his marriage.
(b) Attend a Catholic Church.
(c) Read constantly at night.
(d) Spend time with his family.

15. What does Scott realized about Sola Scriptura?
(a) It is a Scriptural doctrine.
(b) It is accurate.
(c) It is not a Scriptural doctrine and so is self-contradictory.
(d) It must be believed.

Short Answer Questions

1. Kimberly comes to believe that the source of her doubts about quitting contraception come from what?

2. Why does Kimberly want him to wait until this time to convert?

3. Scott continues to grow more Catholic and is anonymously mailed what?

4. What line does Scott repeat?

5. What do Scott and his friends think about tradition?

(see the answer keys)

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