Rogue Warrior Test | Final Test - Easy

Richard Marcinko
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rogue Warrior Test | Final Test - Easy

Richard Marcinko
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. A Marine who joined Richard's group in #165 was specialized in __________________.
(a) espionage.
(b) explosives.
(c) languages.
(d) burglary.

2. The French word Phoque is translated into English to mean _________________.
(a) SEAL.
(b) Water.
(c) Curse.
(d) Prostitute.

3. Training exercises in Egypt are disastrous because _______________________.
(a) The desert is inhospitable.
(b) Egyptian officers could enslave privates.
(c) The men got sick from sunstroke.
(d) The Nile River flooded the entire time.

4. Richard inspected the SEAL equipment and found it to be __________________.
(a) unavailable.
(b) destroyed.
(c) usable.
(d) unsatisfactory.

5. Who was the new commodore of Special War Group Two?
(a) Mike Kerrigan.
(b) Ed Voiles.
(c) Dick Coogan.
(d) Marv Byers.

6. When did the operation in #119 take place?
(a) August 24, 1980.
(b) July 24, 1999.
(c) May 8, 1972.
(d) December 27, 1979.

7. Richard again left his family to go to ___________________.
(a) My Lai.
(b) Saigon.
(c) Chu Lai.
(d) Phnom Penh.

8. Who did Richard recruit to be his new Executive Officer?
(a) Paul Henley.
(b) Mack Strasser.
(c) Jerry Meyers.
(d) Phil Bromley.

9. Richard's mission was to ______________________________.
(a) act as morale officer.
(b) stop the sinking of supply vessels en route to the capital.
(c) chopper out wounded soldiers.
(d) rescue patients, doctors and nurses.

10. Where did Richard and his family move back to in Chapter 14?
(a) Chicago.
(b) Brooklyn.
(c) Virginia Beach.
(d) Miami.

11. A new anti-terrorism unit was called ______________________.
(a) SEAL Team Red.
(b) Red Alert.
(c) SEAL Team Six.
(d) Team Desert Storm.

12. Where did Richard work when he and his family moved back to Washington D.C.?
(a) The White House.
(b) The FBI.
(c) The CIA.
(d) The Pentagon.

13. What did Richard note about the U.S. Embassy in Beirut when he first approached it?
(a) Anyone could ram a truck up to it and blow it up.
(b) It was a very small building.
(c) It was in a bad area of the city.
(d) It was a magnificent structure.

14. Which of the following did the SEAL Six members NOT learn to do while in training?
(a) Open parachutes at the last minute.
(b) Parachute from planes.
(c) Negotiate with terrorists.
(d) Glide to a ground target.

15. What was Richard's dream position?
(a) Vice Admiral.
(b) Rear Admiral.
(c) Fleet Admiral.
(d) Navy SEAL command.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why was Richard sent back to Washington D.C. in Chapter 14?

2. When did the Iranians take the U.S. Embassy staff hostage?

3. Early in 1984, Richard talked with Ace Lyons on how the U.S. military was too heavily geared in confronting _____________________ and not the terrorist threat.

4. Richard borrowed a cruise ship from what cruise line for some training exercises?

5. Who was Richard's Executive Officer?

(see the answer keys)

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