The Robber Bride Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Robber Bride Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Mitch expect Roz to do when she finds out about his mistresses?
(a) Invite his mistresses to dinner.
(b) Have affairs of her own.
(c) Throw a tantrum and demand he end the affairs.
(d) Ignore his affairs.

2. Who is the waitress who serves Roz and Mitch lunch in Chapter 41?
(a) Tony.
(b) Charis.
(c) Anthea.
(d) Zenia.

3. What brings Billy to Canada from the United States in Chapter 30?
(a) He is a draft dodger.
(b) He visits Canadian relatives.
(c) He is ill and seeks Canadian physicians.
(d) His business.

4. Who helps Charis when her baby is born at the end of Chapter 38?
(a) Zenia.
(b) Aunt Vi.
(c) Billy.
(d) Tony and Roz.

5. In Chapter 44, what does Roz decide to be when she realizes she will never be prettier, daintier, thinner, sexier, or harder to impress than the girls at her new school?
(a) More Jewish.
(b) More artistic.
(c) Smarter, funnier, and richer.
(d) More Catholic.

6. What does Zenia claim to be dying of when she meets Charis in Chapter 52?
(a) AIDS.
(b) Hepatitis.
(c) Cancer.
(d) Tuberculosis.

7. How does Karen react when she is being raped?
(a) She wants to kill herself.
(b) She passes out.
(c) She disassociates from her body.
(d) She becomes catatonic.

8. What did Roz's mother do for a living?
(a) Owned a restaurant.
(b) Ran a farm.
(c) Worked in a textile mill.
(d) Ran a boarding house.

9. At the beginning of Chapter 40, Roz suspects her husband, Mitch, is doing what?
(a) Having another affair.
(b) Molesting their daughter.
(c) Stealing her money.
(d) Trying to take over her company.

10. When Charis follows Zenia and her male companion in a cab in Chapter 28, where do they end up going?
(a) To Roz's house.
(b) To the airport.
(c) To the Arnold Garden Hotel.
(d) To the theater.

11. What rare invitation does Mitch offer Roz at the end of Chapter 40?
(a) An invitation to lunch.
(b) An invitation to make love.
(c) An invitation to go sailing.
(d) An invitation to fly to Paris.

12. What special gift does Karen's grandmother have?
(a) She sees dead people.
(b) She heals with her hands.
(c) She is a superb cook.
(d) She is an artist.

13. What does Billy tell Charis that Zenia is faking?
(a) Her cancer.
(b) Her family background.
(c) Her affection for Charis.
(d) Her financial need.

14. Why does Roz feel inferior to Mitch during lunch at the beginning of Chapter 41?
(a) She feels poorer than him.
(b) She feels less educated than him.
(c) She feels less capable in business matters.
(d) His family has a pedigree and hers does not.

15. In Chapter 30, what crime does Billy tell Charis that he has accidentally committed?
(a) He embezzled money from his employers.
(b) He stabbed a man in a fight.
(c) He's blown up some people.
(d) He's robbed a liquor store.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where are Zenia's ashes temporarily stored in Chapter 55?

2. What begins to appear in Roz's home once Roz's father returns from the war?

3. Who asserts herself inside Charis's mind again once Billy starts ignoring Charis in bed?

4. At what age does Karen first meet her grandmother in Chapter 33?

5. What does Zenia do to WiseWomanWorld once she is placed in charge of advertising?

(see the answer keys)

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