The Robber Bride Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Robber Bride Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 14, why does Roz take the Benz rather than the Rolls to the office?
(a) The Rolls has a flat tire.
(b) The Rolls needs a brake job.
(c) She thinks the Rolls is ostentatious.
(d) The Benz is her lucky car.

2. Which of the following statements is not true about Anthea's relationship with Tony after she leaves Tony's father?
(a) She sends belated birthday cards and photos of herself.
(b) She talks of having Tony visit for holidays but never does.
(c) She sees Tony every summer.
(d) She sends clothes that are either too large or too small.

3. What is West's profession?
(a) He is a poet.
(b) He is a musicologist.
(c) He is a car salesman.
(d) He is a minister.

4. When Charis sees Zenia at Toxique in Chapter 10, what does she see swirling around Zenia?
(a) A beautiful red silk scarf.
(b) A dark, malevolent aura.
(c) A calm, peaceful aura.
(d) An aura of prosperity and joy.

5. In Chapter 9, what changes does Shanita tell Charis that she is going to make to the shop because of the recession?
(a) Reducing the hours it's open.
(b) Extending the hours it's open.
(c) Adding tea and refreshments to the products they sell.
(d) Changing its name to "Scrimpers" and selling cheap things.

6. What does Zenia start borrowing from Tony in Chapter 25?
(a) Her car.
(b) Her textbooks.
(c) Clothes.
(d) Money.

7. What unethical thing does Zenia ask Tony to do for her in Chapter 25?
(a) Lie about Roz to the other girls in McClunt Hall.
(b) Cheat on an exam.
(c) Forge a check.
(d) Write a term paper for her.

8. In Chapter 8, for whom does Charis mistake her daughter Augusta when she appears unexpectedly at Charis's back door?
(a) Zenia.
(b) Tony.
(c) Roz.
(d) Billy.

9. With whom does Tony have lunch at the end of Chapter 1?
(a) West.
(b) Zenia.
(c) Billy.
(d) Her friends, Roz and Charis.

10. What does Tony say at the beginning of Chapter 1 that Zenia would do "earnestly, with a catch in her voice, a quaver of suppressed grief, or... haltingly, as if confessing"?
(a) Pray.
(b) Beg for forgiveness.
(c) Lie.
(d) Sing.

11. Zenia makes what changes to Tony's appearance in Chapter 20?
(a) She makes Tony wear blue jeans and sneakers.
(b) She makes Tony wear new age jewelry.
(c) She puts Tony in oversize clothes and oversize glasses.
(d) She gets Tony contact lenses.

12. After Zenia leaves him in Chapter 26, to whom does West turn for comfort and eventually marry?
(a) Roz.
(b) Tony.
(c) Augusta.
(d) Charis.

13. In Chapter 9, what does Shanita tell Charis that the stopping of Charis's pendulum signifies?
(a) Prosperity.
(b) Good luck.
(c) A new romance is in Charis's future.
(d) It's a warning, a bad omen.

14. What evidence tells Tony that West knows about Zenia's death?
(a) The phone call Tony overhears between West and Billy.
(b) West's attendance at Zenia's memorial service.
(c) A hole in the newspaper where he cut out Zenia's death notice.
(d) West's weeping.

15. Shanita is the owner of the shop where Charis works. What is she like?
(a) Rude and unpleasant.
(b) Smart, practical and psychic.
(c) Warm and maternal.
(d) Sexy and seductive.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following is not true about the tale Zenia tells Tony of her own mother and childhood?

2. At Zenia's funeral in Chapter 3, who feels relieved that Zenia is dead?

3. At the end of Chapter 1, from what does Zenia return?

4. What is the weather like on the day Tony decides to use as the starting point for Zenia's story?

5. Who does Tony say in Chapter 1 "was a bad business, and should be left alone"?

(see the answer keys)

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