Another Roadside Attraction Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 202 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Another Roadside Attraction Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 202 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Plucky able to pose as Brother Dallas?
(a) He is carrying Brother Dallas's journal.
(b) His martial arts skills.
(c) He is able to speak German.
(d) He looks identical to him.

2. How did Plucky manage to end his college football career?
(a) He refused to play dirty.
(b) He dealt marijuana to his teammates.
(c) He ran off with the coach's wife.
(d) He injured his knee.

3. Why does Amanda insist upon freeing the garter snakes and fleas when the narrator switches to the future time frame?
(a) She fears their governmental custody.
(b) She is afraid that they are growing too dangerous for private care.
(c) She thinks they are depressed.
(d) She feels it is cruel to keep them imprisoned.

4. From whom does Amanda purchase the rooster?
(a) Bonanza Jellybean.
(b) Switters.
(c) The Cowboy.
(d) The Woodpecker.

5. For what baked good does Amanda become famous?
(a) Marijuana brownies.
(b) Marijuana bread.
(c) Mushroom cookies.
(d) Mushroom cakes.

Short Answer Questions

1. When the narrator switches story lines after discussing the logistics of Amanda's hospitalization, in what state is he and Amanda?

2. When creating a sign that can be seen for miles, what shape does John Paul use in order to catch people's eyes?

3. What occurrence in nature does Amanda believe holds great, mysterious power?

4. In the different time frame, how does Amanda spend a great deal of her time, according to the narrator?

5. What solution does Amanda come up with in regards to their animal-less zoo?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is Amanda?

2. What are some of the potential obstacles to Amanda and John Paul's relationship and how do they work around them?

3. What is significant about the suitcase found in Miami?

4. How does Ziller end up joining the Indo-Tibetan Circus?

5. Describe John Paul's gifts to his wife in the hospital and meaning behind them.

6. How does John Paul pay for Amanda's hospitalization?

7. How does Plucky infiltrate the Society of the Felicitator?

8. What solution does Amanda come up with in regards to the animal portion of their zoo?

9. Why is John Paul distracted when he and Amanda begin to restore the shack and how does she feel about it?

10. Why did Plucky become a drug dealer?

(see the answer keys)

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