Another Roadside Attraction Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 202 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Another Roadside Attraction Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 202 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After and despite her declaration that she cannot sleep with Marx, what transpires between Marx and Amanda?
(a) Marx kisses Amanda.
(b) Marx massages her back and she relents.
(c) Marx performs oral sex on Amanda.
(d) Amanda and Marx nearly have sex.

2. According to the Peace Corp officer's letter, where is Nearly Normal Jimmy going?
(a) Cairo.
(b) Lhasa.
(c) Tibet.
(d) Jerusalem.

3. How does Marx scientifically date the Corpse?
(a) Rate of deterioration.
(b) Fingerprint analysis.
(c) Carbon dating.
(d) The acidity of the cloths wrapping the Corpse.

4. What impresses and intimidates Plucky about the Vatican?
(a) The severity of it all.
(b) Its vastness.
(c) The splendor.
(d) The ancient artifacts.

5. What is Plucky's assignment in Vatican City?
(a) He is to become a bodyguard to the Pope.
(b) He is to teach the Swiss Guard martial arts.
(c) He is to convert a few key archbishops to the Society of the Felicitator.
(d) He is to research the beginnings of the Bible.

6. When Tarzan describes the cycle of life, what part of the human existence does he claim helped the crops grow?
(a) Decomposition of the human body.
(b) Childbirth.
(c) Illness and, subsequently, prayers for release.
(d) Sex.

7. According to Marx, whose body is in the pantry when he returns home to the Zillers from vacation?
(a) The Pope.
(b) Father Gustadt.
(c) Jesus Christ.
(d) Plucky Purcell.

8. Who restores Plucky's faith in Catholicism?
(a) Bonanza Jellybean.
(b) Sister Domino.
(c) Leigh-Cherie.
(d) Sister Hillary.

9. In this flash-forward into the future, of what does Marx feel he and Amanda are running out?
(a) Mushrooms.
(b) Marijuana.
(c) Time.
(d) Excuses for John Paul's absence.

10. What is Amanda's speech impediment?
(a) Dysarthria.
(b) Dysprosody.
(c) Stutter.
(d) Lisp.

11. Who is in bed with Amanda when Marx returns home?
(a) The Cowboy.
(b) Plucky.
(c) Father Gustadt.
(d) John Paul.

12. How does Plucky and the others know that Father Gustadt has found them?
(a) His bootprint was found by the front door.
(b) Their neighbor tells them a priest was asking for John Paul.
(c) John Paul's letters to Plucky at the monastery turn up on their front stoop.
(d) They hear his voice.

13. When Marx is introduced to the letters of Plucky, how long has Plucky Purcell been in the monastery?
(a) Five months.
(b) One year.
(c) Two weeks.
(d) Three months.

14. Who does Marx suggest to the reader that should be a replacement for Jesus Christ?
(a) Amanda.
(b) Their own self-worth and beliefs.
(c) Plucky Purcell.
(d) John Paul.

15. What does Marx humorously note about Plucky and the Corpse's plane ride from Rome to Seattle?
(a) The airplane must be blessed against all occurances.
(b) Plucky must have eaten all of Amanda's marijuana cookies in order to relax on the plane.
(c) The passengers must have felt extraordinarily peaceful.
(d) It is the Messiah's first trip of this nature.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Amanda suggest about the FBI agent's anger at her ideas to Marx?

2. What does Marx suggest as being the beginning stages of John Paul and Amanda's spiritualism?

3. What hint does John Paul leave behind for Amanda when he, Plucky, and Mon Cul run away the Corpse?

4. Who is revealed to be the narrator of this book?

5. What keeps Marx from becoming too jealous over Plucky's sexual encounter with Amanda?

(see the answer keys)

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