Another Roadside Attraction Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 202 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Another Roadside Attraction Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 202 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For what does Marx express disdain in regard to Amanda?
(a) Her free love.
(b) Her mysticism.
(c) Her wardrobe.
(d) Her education.

2. What is the name of John Paul's former band?
(a) Hoodoo Meat Bucket.
(b) Southern Upstarts.
(c) Congolese Congo Kings.
(d) Long-Haired Freaky People.

3. With whom does Mon Cul travel when the circus prepares to move?
(a) Baby Thor.
(b) Amanda.
(c) Plucky.
(d) John Paul.

4. When Amanda suffers a miscarriage, what is the weather, which is hinted to be the cause of her accident?
(a) Ice.
(b) Tornado.
(c) Rain.
(d) Snow.

5. According to the narrator, what keeps Plucky from having a traditionally handsome face?
(a) The scar on his cheek.
(b) His hair color.
(c) His eyes.
(d) His grin.

6. Why do the rednecks at the bar disapprove of the circus?
(a) They do not approve of the circus as entertainment.
(b) They believe they are practicing Satanists.
(c) They find hippies to immoral.
(d) They believe they are dealing drugs to the populace.

7. Where was John Paul Ziller born?
(a) The Nile.
(b) The Romanian caravans.
(c) The Sahara.
(d) The Congo.

8. According to John Paul, what disease has genetically altered mankind for the better?
(a) Gonorrhea.
(b) Herpes.
(c) Chlyamidia.
(d) Syphillis.

9. Why does Mon Cul bite one of the rednecks?
(a) Mon Cul thought that Plucky was about to be attacked.
(b) The man moves too quickly for the startled baboon.
(c) Mon Cul overheard their plans to hurt John Paul.
(d) The man tries to feed Mon Cul a banana.

10. How did Plucky manage to end his college football career?
(a) He refused to play dirty.
(b) He dealt marijuana to his teammates.
(c) He injured his knee.
(d) He ran off with the coach's wife.

11. What is Nearly Normal Jimmy's explanation for why thunderstorms can affect human beings so strongly?
(a) Thunderstorms have negatively charged particles.
(b) Thunderstorms provide a reminder that nature is stronger than human beings.
(c) The loud claps of thunder.
(d) The primal site of the rain falling.

12. Why are the men impressed with Plucky Purcell?
(a) Plucky is a heavy drinker.
(b) Plucky is very rich.
(c) Plucky has a baboon as a companion.
(d) Plucky was a college football hero.

13. What is Amanda's job in the Indo Tibetan Circus and Giant Panda Gypsy Blues Band?
(a) Contortionist.
(b) Animal trainer.
(c) Trapeze artist.
(d) Clairvoyant.

14. What offer from Nearly Normal Jimmy did John Paul decline after the disbanding of the circus?
(a) He declined to go record with the Giant Panda Gypsy Blues Band in New York.
(b) He declines Nearly Normal Jimmy's offer to take care of Mon Cul.
(c) He declines an opportunity to travel to Tibet.
(d) He declines to take over managing to the circus.

15. What is the name of the society Plucky has accidentally infiltrated?
(a) Tibetan Monks from Shang-hai.
(b) Society of the Felicatator.
(c) The Marianists.
(d) The Order of the Stick.

Short Answer Questions

1. Fill in the blank: the name "Marvelous" was chosen by Marx Marvelous to trigger America's hatred of _______.

2. For what baked good does Amanda become famous?

3. What drug was once found on Plucky that helped lead to his dishonorable discharge from the military?

4. Fill in the blank: the name "Marx" was chosen by Marx Marvelous because it triggered America's hatred of _______.

5. In what month did the Indo-Tibetan circus disband?

(see the answer keys)

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