Another Roadside Attraction Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 202 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Another Roadside Attraction Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 202 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Plucky rid himself of the rednecks?
(a) He pays them off.
(b) He sends them in the opposite direction, away from the circus.
(c) He tricks them into being arrested.
(d) He uses martial arts.

2. Why did Amanda try to orchestrate a mass-smuggling of butterfly larva into the U.S.?
(a) She was going to sell them as drugs.
(b) She was afraid that they would become extinct.
(c) She was hoping to find the perfect butterfly wings.
(d) She was dissatisfied with the lack of butterfly species in the country.

3. How is Plucky able to sneak away from the monastery to write letters?
(a) He claims he is engaging in his personal martial arts training.
(b) He claims he is wrestling animals to the ground.
(c) He claims he needs solitude for his meditations.
(d) He claims that he is hunting for mushrooms.

4. What is Nearly Normal Jimmy's explanation for why thunderstorms can affect human beings so strongly?
(a) The primal site of the rain falling.
(b) Thunderstorms provide a reminder that nature is stronger than human beings.
(c) Thunderstorms have negatively charged particles.
(d) The loud claps of thunder.

5. What dead animal do the Zillers have on display at their zoo?
(a) A baboon.
(b) A grizzly bear.
(c) A garter snake.
(d) A tsetse fly.

6. In what branch of the military was Plucky once enlisted?
(a) Navy.
(b) Marines.
(c) Army.
(d) Air Force.

7. When John Paul leaves a note for Amanda in the hospital, in what form does he express his sympathies?
(a) Haiku.
(b) Limerick.
(c) Prose.
(d) Iambic pentameter.

8. What did Marx previously conclude about Christianity, prior to his employment by the Zillers?
(a) People have abandoned the religion to the zealots.
(b) The religion understands the world.
(c) The religion is dying.
(d) The religion is too timid.

9. What device arrives at John Paul and Amanda's restaurant?
(a) Refrigerator.
(b) Bun steamer.
(c) Juicer.
(d) Hot-dog turner.

10. What is John Paul's preferred method of transit?
(a) Car.
(b) Motorcycle.
(c) Bicycle.
(d) Train.

11. Who is the circus manager and ringmaster of the Indo Tibetan Circus and Giant Panda Gypsy Blues Band?
(a) Smokestack Lightening.
(b) Ba Ba.
(c) Madame Goody.
(d) Nearly Normal Jimmy.

12. How does John Paul pay for Amanda's hospitalization?
(a) He sells his most renowned sculpture.
(b) He sleeps with the head of the hospital.
(c) He barters their restaurant's mortgage.
(d) He creates a new sculpture for the hospital.

13. Why did Plucky have to transport Mon Cul for John Paul?
(a) Mon Cul was ill and forced to stay behind with Plucky to recuperate.
(b) Mon Cul dislikes motorcycles.
(c) Mon Cul refuses to wear a helmet on the motorcycle.
(d) Mon Cul was refused entry onto the train.

14. What instrument does Ziller play as Amanda sings during their first meeting?
(a) Horn.
(b) Piano.
(c) Drums.
(d) Flute.

15. Which of John Paul and Amanda's friends also befriended Marx Marvelous, leading the man to seek out the couple?
(a) Nearly Normal Jimmy.
(b) Plucky Purcell.
(c) Smokestack Lightening.
(d) Baba.

Short Answer Questions

1. What sort of food was served at the now-abandoned restaurant the Zillers decide to buy?

2. Why did Marx marry his friend's pregnant lover?

3. What is the name of Amanda's lover's band in the beginning of "Another Roadside Attraction"?

4. What is celebrated at the banquet on Ziller's first night with the circus?

5. When the narrator switches story lines after discussing the logistics of Amanda's hospitalization, in what state is he and Amanda?

(see the answer keys)

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