Another Roadside Attraction Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 202 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Another Roadside Attraction Quiz | Eight Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 202 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 2, pages 48-83.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Nearly Normal Jimmy's explanation for why thunderstorms can affect human beings so strongly?
(a) The primal site of the rain falling.
(b) Thunderstorms provide a reminder that nature is stronger than human beings.
(c) The loud claps of thunder.
(d) Thunderstorms have negatively charged particles.

2. What dead animal do the Zillers have on display at their zoo?
(a) A baboon.
(b) A grizzly bear.
(c) A tsetse fly.
(d) A garter snake.

3. How did Plucky manage to end his college football career?
(a) He ran off with the coach's wife.
(b) He refused to play dirty.
(c) He dealt marijuana to his teammates.
(d) He injured his knee.

4. How does Plucky feel about Amanda?
(a) He feels that she is wrong for John Paul.
(b) He does not agree with her lifestyle, but likes her as a person.
(c) He knows that she will be John Paul's downfall.
(d) He is instantly attracted to her.

5. For which college did Plucky play football?
(a) California Tech.
(b) Duke University.
(c) Texas Tech.
(d) Harvard University.

Short Answer Questions

1. What sort of food was served at the now-abandoned restaurant the Zillers decide to buy?

2. What did Amanda once hide inside a hollow tree in order to trick woodpeckers into pecking the tree?

3. What offer from Nearly Normal Jimmy did John Paul decline after the disbanding of the circus?

4. How do Amanda and Ziller immediately feel about each other at first sight?

5. Calming Amanda's fears about his temperament, what reason does John Paul cite for his detachment as they restore their new home after the disbanding of the circus?

(see the answer key)

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