Rivethead: Tales from the Assembly Line Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rivethead: Tales from the Assembly Line Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Paul took over Janice's job on the Rivet Line; where had he worked before?

2. What did Hamper do during his vacation?

3. Why did Hamper cringe at the idea of Bob-A-Lou in love with the cafeteria cashier?

4. While reading The Wall Street Journal article, what did Hamper realize?

5. Why did Hamper take a long time learning his job on the Rivet Line?

Short Essay Questions

1. What arrangement did Paul and Hamper scheme up at work? How did Hamper justify this, even to the point of making it appear right?

2. What did Hamper think when Janice came to work on the Rivet Line? How was his reaction different from the men around him and how might this be surprising?

3. What conversation did Hamper and his grandfather have during the family reunion? How does this fittingly illustrate the difference in their generations?

4. Who did Bob-A-Lou have a crush on? What does this reveal about his character and how was he different from most of the other factory workers?

5. What was the purpose of Hamper's food matching game (pgs 78-79)? What effect does the game have to the writing of this scene?

6. What new vehicle was the factory hired to build? How was this, written in Hamper's account of life, a sign of the times?

7. What kind of relationship did Gino have with his men? Why did this lead to his eventual transfer away from the Rivet Line?

8. In the Epilogue, Hamper shows the conflict between his mindset as a shop-rat and his time outside the factory in therapy. How did he show this and which attitude was stronger in his mind?

9. "It wasn't every afternoon that I received long-distance phone call from folks at the Wall Street Journal. I didn't remember having any friends who worked there and I was certain that I didn't owe these people any money (pg 171). What do these two sentences reveal about Hamper's character?

10. What was Hamper's reaction to the news that Louise Mandrell had ordered a GM Suburban? How does this fit what the reader already knows about Hamper's personality?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Why did Hamper always remember the man who came late for the GM work call, the first time he worked at the factory (pg 32)? How might his thoughts about the incident have changed as he moved in and out of GM?

Essay Topic 2

What is the effect of Hamper's family tree as the reader moves through the book? Why would he give such detail about his extended family work history?

Essay Topic 3

When did Hamper's job as a riveter because an identity as the Rivethead? How did he live out this identity? What impact did it have for his future?

(see the answer keys)

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