Rivethead: Tales from the Assembly Line Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rivethead: Tales from the Assembly Line Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What two different personalities did Hank exhibit?
(a) Hard worker and slacker.
(b) Pervert and saint.
(c) Drunkard and teetotaler.
(d) Quiet employee and bossy supervisor.

2. Why was Jackson afraid of Hamper?
(a) Hamper had blackmail material involving Jackson's drug habit.
(b) He thought Hamper would write about him in an article.
(c) He thought Hamper might beat him up some time.
(d) He thought Hamper could instigate a rebellion among the workers.

3. Why did Hamper not want to write about being a shop-rat, in an article for the Flint Voice?
(a) He thought the topic was boring.
(b) He wanted to pretend work was better than it actually was.
(c) He thought it would be too much work.
(d) He did not want his coworkers to be offended.

4. Why was Hamper proud to build a suburban for the celebrity Louise Mandrell?
(a) He had never known who bought the vehicles he built.
(b) He hoped to meet her one day.
(c) He wanted to make her suburban special.
(d) He adored her music.

5. Who did Bob-A-Lou marry?
(a) A woman who worked in the Finishing Line at GM.
(b) Hamper's cousin.
(c) The cafeteria cashier.
(d) A woman in the Philippines.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Hamper want to avoid his grandfather at the family reunion?

2. Why did Ronny volunteer Hamper and himself for the tailgate buildup job?

3. In general terms, how did Hamper feel as he drove away from GM for the last time?

4. What was the goal of rivet hockey?

5. While reading The Wall Street Journal article, what did Hamper realize?

Short Essay Questions

1. What kind of relationship did Gino have with his men? Why did this lead to his eventual transfer away from the Rivet Line?

2. What was Hamper's opinion of the Flint Voice when he first read it? What expectations does this create in the reader's mind?

3. What was Hamper's reaction to the news that Louise Mandrell had ordered a GM Suburban? How does this fit what the reader already knows about Hamper's personality?

4. What was one of Hamper's favorite ways to pass time at work? How is this an interesting facet of his character?

5. How did the men on the Rivet Line deal with the supervisor sent in to replace Gino? How was this a sign that they are powerful?

6. Why did General Motors become concerned with the quality of their vehicles? Given Hamper's tone while telling this story, what was his response?

7. Who did Bob-A-Lou have a crush on? What does this reveal about his character and how was he different from most of the other factory workers?

8. According to Hamper, why does the reading public not want to read about the working man? Is this a fair assessment?

9. "It wasn't every afternoon that I received long-distance phone call from folks at the Wall Street Journal. I didn't remember having any friends who worked there and I was certain that I didn't owe these people any money (pg 171). What do these two sentences reveal about Hamper's character?

10. What kind of place was Mark's Lounge? How was this place exactly what Hamper needed?

(see the answer keys)

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