Rivethead: Tales from the Assembly Line Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rivethead: Tales from the Assembly Line Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What incentive did management offer if the assembly line kept the quality high?
(a) An extra day of vacation.
(b) A new Ford truck.
(c) A personal drinking glass.
(d) A gift card to the local grocery store.

2. What victory did Hamper enjoy, though the Olympic gold medal wasn't real?
(a) The clock hand moved a couple more minutes.
(b) He had beaten a personal record for one truck.
(c) He was the fastest worker on the Rivet Line.
(d) He was working ahead so that he could take a break.

3. What did Howie do when he began touring the factory again?
(a) Walked slowly and did not interact with the employees.
(b) Bounded around to check the quality of people's work.
(c) Became the butt of everyone's jokes.
(d) Inspired confidence like he had done before.

4. How much time passed between Hamper's first breakdown and his second?
(a) Two days.
(b) Eight hours.
(c) Five days.
(d) A week.

5. Why did Hamper not stay with Mother Jones when Moore was fired?
(a) He was tired of cranking out articles.
(b) He did not trust the new editor.
(c) He felt a great loyalty to Moore.
(d) He was not being paid enough money.

6. Why was the Good Times Lounge lawsuit dropped?
(a) Moore negotiated an out-of-court settlement.
(b) The owner moved to Alaska.
(c) The judge threatened to throw out the case.
(d) The owner realized he could not win the case.

7. While meeting the producer from 60 Minutes, why was Hamper nervous?
(a) The producer was an anxious, jittery man.
(b) A lot of people wanted his autograph.
(c) There was a lot of light and plants.
(d) He was afraid he would say the wrong thing.

8. What happened to the man who tried to kill his coworker?
(a) He was suspended for two weeks.
(b) He was charged with attempted murder but not convicted.
(c) He was written up.
(d) He was fired immediately.

9. What was Hamper's favorite way to pass time at work?
(a) Laugh at Hank's obvious personality swings.
(b) Play pranks on the men around him.
(c) Chain-smoke Chestertons and get drunk.
(d) Pretend his job was an Olympic event.

10. Why did Ronny volunteer Hamper and himself for the tailgate buildup job?
(a) They'd have the ability to double-up the jobs.
(b) It was the easiest job in the Jungle.
(c) It was the only open job left.
(d) He wanted to work with Hamper.

11. What did Hamper do during his vacation?
(a) Went to Chicago because he'd never been there before.
(b) Went to San Francisco to visit Moore.
(c) Slept in and drank beer.
(d) Promoted his cover story for Mother Jones.

12. What was the primary reason that Henry Jackson, the supervisor, hated Dave?
(a) Dave was more intelligent than Henry.
(b) Dave was not afraid to stand up to him.
(c) Dave wanted his job.
(d) They had been competitive with each other since high school.

13. At the beginning of Chapter Six, as Hamper explains, what do the rednecks on the Rivet Line collect?
(a) Sick days.
(b) Banana stickers.
(c) Broken rivet heads.
(d) Beer caps.

14. What job did Jan, Hamper's second wife, have?
(a) Teacher.
(b) Shoprat.
(c) Bank clerk.
(d) News anchor.

15. According to Hamper in Chapter 10, why did GM not allow the NBC film crew into the factory?
(a) GM believed any creativity came from a flawed mind.
(b) Hamper had already used his favors to get The Wall Street Journal writer in.
(c) GM did not trust anything Hamper wanted to do.
(d) GM had strict publicity rules.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who did Bob-A-Lou marry?

2. Why was Moore fired from Mother Jones?

3. What was Hamper's problem with his job on the axle line?

4. When the Good Times Lounge sued Hamper, how much money did the owner want?

5. Why did Hamper take a long time learning his job on the Rivet Line?

(see the answer keys)

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