Rivethead: Tales from the Assembly Line Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rivethead: Tales from the Assembly Line Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At work, what did Dan-O like to do?
(a) Play practical jokes.
(b) Read.
(c) Drink beer.
(d) Sleep.

2. Why did Hamper like spending time at Joanie's house?
(a) Her siblings were well-behaved.
(b) She had no siblings.
(c) Her father was friendly and fair.
(d) Her mother cooked great food.

3. Why did Hamper grow up in a neighborhood of houses that all look alike?
(a) All Flint residential neighborhoods look the same.
(b) The neighborhood was built simply to house new factory employees.
(c) The houses were built during a recession when buyers did not have much money.
(d) The neighborhood architect didn't have a good imagination.

4. Why did Hamper never beat his dad up when he was being lectured?
(a) His mom was always there to make sure they did not hit each other.
(b) He was too scared.
(c) He was often on acid and just laughed at his dad.
(d) He tried but his dad beat him up instead.

5. What was the name of the new school that combined all local Catholic high schools?
(a) Holy Redeemer High School.
(b) St. Michael High School.
(c) Luke Powers High School.
(d) St. Agnes High School.

6. Why did GM not hire Hamper when he wanted to apply?
(a) During the recession, the factory wasn't hiring.
(b) They did not want to hire any more Hampers.
(c) He did not have good job references.
(d) He had to be twenty-one to work there.

7. When Hamper's dad left, what was the only information his family had?
(a) That he was somewhere in southern Florida with a bartender.
(b) That he planned to be back before Christmas.
(c) That he took the last can of beer with him.
(d) That he was headed for Indiana.

8. At the end of Chapter Four, where was Hamper writing the book?
(a) In a drafty shed.
(b) In his kitchen.
(c) In a bar.
(d) In his girlfriend's living room.

9. What year did Hamper begin working at GM?
(a) 1970.
(b) 1980.
(c) 1975.
(d) 1977.

10. How much sleep did Dale typically get in a night?
(a) Three hours.
(b) Four hours.
(c) Six hours.
(d) Eight hours.

11. How much money did Hamper make painting apartments?
(a) Seven dollars an hour.
(b) Fifty dollars a day.
(c) One hundred dollars per apartment.
(d) Three dollars an hour.

12. When Hamper was a child, why were his friends amused by his dad?
(a) Because his dad always gave them an allowance too.
(b) Because their dads were sober and hard-working.
(c) Because his dad loved to entertain kids.
(d) Because his dad told good stories.

13. At the beginning of Chapter Three, what reason did Hamper give that Joanie was unhappy in their marriage?
(a) She wanted more children.
(b) She wanted a different job.
(c) They were not going anywhere in life.
(d) They lived in a bad neighborhood and Hamper did not care.

14. How was Hamper's new high school significantly different from his old one?
(a) Most of the kids were not religious.
(b) Most of the kids were middle-class.
(c) Most of the kids were not middle-class.
(d) Most of the kids were motivated to get good careers.

15. At the factory, when was the most popular time to drink?
(a) While standing at the assembly line.
(b) Right before coming to work.
(c) Any time the person was on the clock.
(d) During the lunch break.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Hamper's mom hope he'd do once he finished high school?

2. Inside the auto factory, why was the Cab Shop nicknamed the Jungle?

3. At the beginning of Chapter Two, what religiously-loaded term did Hamper use to describe Flint?

4. What car part did Hamper's father install at the factory?

5. During his first day of work, before he learned Roy's name, what nickname did Hamper give him?

(see the answer keys)

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