Rivethead: Tales from the Assembly Line Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rivethead: Tales from the Assembly Line Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long was Hamper given to learn his job?
(a) Three days.
(b) Two day.
(c) One week.
(d) One day.

2. What was the most unusual thing about Bob-A-Lou?
(a) He never cursed.
(b) He never drank.
(c) He wore decent clothes to work.
(d) He had been married five times.

3. What did Franklin write on napkins and bits of paper?
(a) Magazine articles.
(b) Hate letters.
(c) Poetry.
(d) Bible verses.

4. When Hamper was a child, why were his friends amused by his dad?
(a) Because his dad always gave them an allowance too.
(b) Because their dads were sober and hard-working.
(c) Because his dad loved to entertain kids.
(d) Because his dad told good stories.

5. Why did Hamper fight the career trend toward the GM factory?
(a) He wanted to spite Joanie by staying lazy and poor.
(b) He'd known since tenth grade that he would work there.
(c) He didn't want to do anything the way his father had.
(d) He had bigger dreams than the factory.

6. What car part did Hamper's father install at the factory?
(a) The dash wires.
(b) The windshield.
(c) The wheel rivets.
(d) The bumper.

7. What job did Dale hold during the first part of his day?
(a) Horse rancher.
(b) Pig farmer.
(c) Traffic cop.
(d) Tax accountant.

8. When a would-be employee arrived late and was rejected, what did he do?
(a) Cursed the men who had arrived on time.
(b) Yelled at the supervisor.
(c) Left in silence.
(d) Cried.

9. At the end of Chapter Four, where was Hamper writing the book?
(a) In a bar.
(b) In his kitchen.
(c) In his girlfriend's living room.
(d) In a drafty shed.

10. According to Hamper, why did the nuns not care that he was a poor student?
(a) They cared less about the children of factory workers.
(b) They knew the school would produce many underachievers in exchange for a couple brilliant students.
(c) Their favorites were the obviously talented kids.
(d) They were too old to care about much.

11. When Hamper moved into his mother's basement, what did he think would save his marriage to Joanie?
(a) Earning lots of money at GM.
(b) Taking care of their daughter more.
(c) Drinking less.
(d) Being faithful to her.

12. At the beginning of Chapter Three, what reason did Hamper give that Joanie was unhappy in their marriage?
(a) They were not going anywhere in life.
(b) They lived in a bad neighborhood and Hamper did not care.
(c) She wanted a different job.
(d) She wanted more children.

13. While painting apartments, why did Hamper become friends with Glen?
(a) Glen lived in the building.
(b) Their wives had been friends for several months.
(c) Glen often stopped by to say hi.
(d) They were in identical situations.

14. When did Hamper's great-grandfather begin working in the car factory?
(a) 1905.
(b) 1910.
(c) 1930.
(d) 1925.

15. Why did the supervisors add another task to Hamper and Dale's job?
(a) They wanted to break up their system.
(b) They thought the men could handle another task.
(c) They wanted to make an example of the men.
(d) They wanted to test the men's speed.

Short Answer Questions

1. What machine did Hamper operate in the Cab Shop?

2. During the pre-work physical, what did Hamper do against his better judgment?

3. What happened when Hamper was called in to see the guidance counselor at school?

4. What was Glen's dream job?

5. Why did Roy smoke pot during his lunch breaks?

(see the answer keys)

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