Rilke on Love and Other Difficulties, Translations and Considerations of Rainer Maria Rilke Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rilke on Love and Other Difficulties, Translations and Considerations of Rainer Maria Rilke Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Rilke write that he holds to be "the highest task of a bond between two people"?
(a) That they should hold no limits to their connection.
(b) That they must live closely.
(c) That they should each stand guard over the solitude of the other.
(d) That they should stand alone.

2. In what year did Rilke write the "Woman's Lament" poems?
(a) 1865.
(b) 1911.
(c) 1925.
(d) 1935.

3. Over what does the poet write, "we will together contend" in "Greek Love-Talk"?
(a) Your breasts.
(b) This war.
(c) The forest.
(d) Our love.

4. In Part III of "The Seven Phallic Poems," Rilke writes, "Granted by you, the image of the ____ stands/at the gentle crossroads under my clothes."
(a) God.
(b) Madonna.
(c) Flower.
(d) Tower.

5. In what year was Rilke born?
(a) 1875.
(b) 1800.
(c) 1899.
(d) 1919.

6. In the seventh of "The Seven Phallic Poems," what does the poet write that his "semen climbs gladly like"?
(a) A tower.
(b) A child.
(c) A god.
(d) A tree.

7. What did the commentator originally call the selections of Rilke's letters which he copied and gave out?
(a) "The Love Letters."
(b) "Letters of Love."
(c) "Notes on Love."
(d) "Rilke on Love."

8. The commentator concludes the introduction to Rilke's love poetry in saying, "Rilke's poetry is somewhat precious and even _______."
(a) Romantic.
(b) Effiminate.
(c) Masculine.
(d) Ephemeral.

9. "Woman's Lament II" ends with the line, "and the ________ is not in vain."
(a) Butterfly.
(b) Nightingale.
(c) Ballerina.
(d) Sparrow.

10. What does Rilke write in Part V of "The Seven Phallic Poems" has "weakened you and me"?
(a) Too ample space.
(b) Too strong a love.
(c) Too great a distance.
(d) Too strong an adversary.

11. What is the only novel that Rilke wrote?
(a) The Grapes of Wrath.
(b) Lessons of a Forgotten Soul.
(c) Letters to a Young Poet.
(d) The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge.

12. In introducing Rilke's love poetry, the commentator notes that the poet's sexual and sensual undertones are mostly overlooked because of the striking impact of what?
(a) His spirituality.
(b) His uncommon rhythms.
(c) His flowery language.
(d) His surreal approach.

13. Rilke writes in "The Seven Phallic Poems," "We close ______ by means of our gazes."
(a) The night.
(b) Our blankets.
(c) Our lips.
(d) A circle.

14. In the last of the untitled love poems, the poet writes, "Do you feel, distant dear miss, / since you are _______ me."
(a) Kissing.
(b) Caressing.
(c) Reading.
(d) Loving.

15. One poem, using nature imagery, reads, "Cheerful gift from the chillier / mountains / attempts to leap into ____."
(a) Summer.
(b) June.
(c) Spring.
(d) August.

Short Answer Questions

1. The commentator remarks in the Introduction, "It should be emphasized that Rilke's language is thoroughly _______."

2. Rilke writes in one letter, "At bottom ______ can help anyone else in life."

3. The first collection of poems in "Rilke's Poems on Love" is titled what?

4. Rilke writes in his letters on love, "Once we were ______ in every part, now we are that in one part only."

5. In the Introduction to "Rilke's Poems on Other Difficulties," Mood writes that Rilke "began as a bit of a sticky late ______."

(see the answer keys)

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