Riders of the Purple Sage Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Riders of the Purple Sage Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After Lassiter is grazed by a bullet, Jane and Lassiter hear an approaching horse. Who is it?
(a) Night.
(b) Black Star.
(c) Wrangle.
(d) Bells.

2. When Jane and Lassiter flee Withersteen house, who does she give Bells to?
(a) Venters.
(b) Tull.
(c) Judkins.
(d) Bess.

3. When Lassiter finally removes his guns to show Jane how much he loves her, what does she do?
(a) Puts them back on him.
(b) She loads them.
(c) She takes them.
(d) She keeps them for herself.

4. What horses are Bess and Venters riding during their getaway?
(a) Wrangle and Bells.
(b) Bells and Night.
(c) Black Star and Night.
(d) 2 burros.

5. What horse trick does Jerry Card do while Venters races him?
(a) He jumps down and back up on the horse while riding.
(b) He stands in the saddle.
(c) He ropes another horse while riding.
(d) He switches horses while the horses are running.

6. Before Venters leaves for Cottonwoods, Beth asks him if there is another woman. What is his answer?
(a) There never was another woman.
(b) Yes, but he's over her now.
(c) Yes.
(d) No.

7. In Surprise Valley, what does Venters confess to Lassiter?
(a) That Bess is an evil woman.
(b) That Bess is Oldring's sister.
(c) That he is leaving Bess.
(d) That he loves Bess.

8. How old was Bess when she was taken from her mother?
(a) 1.
(b) 5.
(c) 10.
(d) 3.

9. What does Venters tell Lassiter as he leaves Surprise Valley?
(a) That Bess is leaving.
(b) That Bess is injured.
(c) That Bess is kidnapped.
(d) That Bess is dead.

10. What does Jane say to Lassiter to convince him to roll the stone?
(a) "I love you!"
(b) "Don't be afraid!"
(c) "Save Fay!"
(d) "Tull is coming!"

11. As Venters and Bess ride away, what does Jane wave?
(a) Her hand.
(b) Her scarf.
(c) Her hat.
(d) She blows kisses.

12. What did Lassiter think of Frank Erne?
(a) He hated his religion.
(b) He thought Frank was an idiot.
(c) He liked him and was not bothered by the religion.
(d) He thought Frank was a lousy preacher.

13. When Jerry Card is racing Wrangle into the canyon, what does Venters do?
(a) He lets them go.
(b) He yells.
(c) He shoots Jerry.
(d) He shoots Wrangle.

14. What do Bess and Venters take back with them to their camp?
(a) Stones.
(b) Rabbit.
(c) Water.
(d) Pottery.

15. Venters comes down the cliff and is returning to town for a second time, what has happened to Wrangle when he gets to the bottom of the cliff?
(a) He's been stolen.
(b) He's dead.
(c) He's gone wild and Venters has to rope him.
(d) He's run off.

Short Answer Questions

1. Venters arrives from Surprise Valley to tell Jane what?

2. The morning after the storm, Venters wants to return to Cottonwoods, but what are his reasons?

3. Lassiter leaves Jane for a while after they flee Cottonwood. What does he return with?

4. After his stay in Surprise Valley, what does Venters tell Tull about the red herd?

5. Venters returns to Surprise Valley with supplies for how long?

(see the answer keys)

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