Rich People Problems Test | Final Test - Easy

Kevin Kwan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rich People Problems Test | Final Test - Easy

Kevin Kwan
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 176 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 9, what does Philip think should be done with Tyersall Park?
(a) He believes it should be sold.
(b) He wants to tear it down.
(c) The family should donate it to Singapore.
(d) He wants to live in the house.

2. What rich person problem does Carlton have when trying to plan his date with Scheherazade?
(a) He does not have as much money as she does.
(b) She only dates rich men from Shanghai.
(c) She is accustomed to going to expensive places and she knows famous people.
(d) He is not famous.

3. What are professional mourners?
(a) They are actors.
(b) They are family members who pretend to cry.
(c) They carry the casket.
(d) People hired to cry at funerals.

4. How does Oliver know the Dowager Sultana?
(a) They met at a party.
(b) He was her interior designer.
(c) She is his aunt.
(d) He works for her.

5. What will be done with Eddie's $250,000 paper mansion?
(a) It is going to be set on fire.
(b) He is donating it to the national archives.
(c) His family will keep it as a memento.
(d) It will be given away to charity.

6. What does Eddie find out about his grandmother's will?
(a) Alfred inherits everything.
(b) He does not get anything.
(c) His wife signed it as a witness.
(d) She changed her will before she died.

7. How long has it been since Rachel has seen Nick's family?
(a) Eight years.
(b) She has never met them.
(c) Two years.
(d) Five years.

8. How does Philip react to Nick's request for help to buy Tyersall Park?
(a) He refuses to help.
(b) Philip signs over his 30% of the estate to Nick.
(c) He thinks it should be sold.
(d) He offers to buy the estate.

9. How does Carlton describe his date to Rachel?
(a) It was an epic fail.
(b) He was sorry he went.
(c) It was a great success.
(d) It lasted too long.

10. Why does Kitty call Oliver when she receives British Tattle magazine?
(a) Oliver lied about the cover headline.
(b) Her story was replaced by a story about Colette.
(c) The magazine printed the wrong picture of her.
(d) She was happy about the magazine article.

11. How do Astrid's parents react to the leaked video?
(a) They understand the video is not her fault.
(b) They leave Singapore.
(c) They blame her for the video and demand that Astrid leave Singapore.
(d) They want Charlie to apologize.

12. Oliver is stunned when who arrives at Su Yi's funeral?
(a) The Queen of England.
(b) Michael Teo.
(c) Charlie Wu's mother, Irene.
(d) Colette and her husband.

13. Why are Nick and Ah Ling close?
(a) Because she was loyal to Su Yi.
(b) He had no one else as a child.
(c) She was his nanny.
(d) She never went home to her family.

14. Why does Isabel call Charlie in Part Three?
(a) She refuses to give Charlie a divorce.
(b) She is having a manic episode.
(c) She is angry about his new house.
(d) She wants custody of their children.

15. What causes Victoria to burst into tears at the wake?
(a) She misses her mother.
(b) She feels burning the paper mansion is a satanic ritual.
(c) She is upset that Astrid is at the funeral.
(d) Eddie's children are acting up.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Rachel's advice to Carlton in Part Three?

2. When Jack Bing asks to buy all the furniture, what does Felicity remember?

3. Oliver introduces Kitty to whom?

4. How does Eddie react when Su Yi dies?

5. How does Carlton surprise Scheherazade on their date?

(see the answer keys)

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