Redeployment Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Phil Klay
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Redeployment Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Phil Klay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whom does the narrator describe covered in blood in "Redeployment"?
(a) Eicholtz.
(b) O'Leary.
(c) Craig.
(d) Weissert.

2. How does the narrator describe Rachel's demeanor in high school in "Bodies"?
(a) She was filled with suppressed rage.
(b) She was effervescent.
(c) She was melancholy.
(d) She was bubbly.

3. What is the narrator's hometown in "Bodies"?
(a) Jackson.
(b) St. Louis.
(c) Malvern.
(d) Callaway.

4. Who is the narrator's senior drill instructor in "Bodies"?
(a) Staff Sergeant Kerwin.
(b) Staff Sergeant Price.
(c) Staff Sergeant Anderson.
(d) Staff Sergeant Burke.

5. What is the narrator's enlistment code in "OIF"?
(a) 3400.
(b) 4200.
(c) 2500.
(d) 5100.

6. Who is the Chief Engineer working with Nathan in “Money as a Weapons System”?
(a) Garza.
(b) Kurtz.
(c) Jobrani.
(d) Kazemi.

7. The narrator says in "Bodies" that except for him and the corporal, everyone in Mortuary Affairs talked about what?
(a) Women.
(b) Love.
(c) Morality.
(d) Ghosts.

8. Who has said in “Money as a Weapons System” that "sports diplomacy" could lead to democracy in Iraq?
(a) Chris Roper.
(b) Sergeant Green.
(c) Major Zima.
(d) Eicholtz.

9. How long after the narrator got his dog from the shelter did it start turning gray in "Redeployment"?
(a) 2 years later.
(b) 1 year later.
(c) 6 months later.
(d) 3 years later.

10. What does the narrator describe having happened to "the retarded guy in the cage" in "Redeployment"?
(a) "They'd electrocuted him."
(b) "They'd shot dexodrone into his skull."
(c) "They'd poisoned him with sleeping pills."
(d) "They'd shot mercury into his skull."

11. What does the family of the fourteen-year-old girl that was raped want to do with her in “Money as a Weapons System”?
(a) Send her to America.
(b) Send her to school.
(c) Sell her to a brothel.
(d) Arrange a marriage for her.

12. What does PFC refer to in "Redeployment"?
(a) Personal Fire Control.
(b) Private First Class.
(c) Protective First Consulate.
(d) Protective Fire Control.

13. Who initially told the narrator the story about the body bag in "Bodies"?
(a) Corporal Weissert.
(b) Corporal G.
(c) Corporal Moore.
(d) Corporal Craig.

14. What does DI stand for in "OIF"?
(a) Drill Instructor.
(b) Detail Instructor.
(c) Drive Instructor.
(d) Double Indemnity.

15. What does the narrator urge Dyer to get at the cafeteria in "FRAGO"?
(a) Cherry cobbler.
(b) Oatmeal.
(c) Cheesecake.
(d) Cupcakes.

Short Answer Questions

1. What branch of the military did Rachel want the narrator to join instead of the Marines?

2. When does Nathan arrive in Tikrit in “Money as a Weapons System”?

3. What video game does the narrator describe playing in "After Action Report"?

4. Where is the memorial held for the Marine that was killed by the MRAP attack in "After Action Report"?

5. What does the acronym OEF stand for in the narrative?

(see the answer keys)

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