The Red Badge of Courage Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Red Badge of Courage Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After Henry plants the flag in the ground, what happens?
(a) The regiment is uplifted by the sight of the flag and charges ahead.
(b) The regiment loses heart and waits to die.
(c) Henry is shot but he refuses to fall.
(d) The Rebel charge comes near enough for Henry to look them in the eye.

2. What is Henry's first impression as he wakes the next morning after returning to his regiment?
(a) He first thinks the sleeping men are corpses.
(b) He wonders why everything is so quiet.
(c) He cannot remember where he is.
(d) He thinks that maybe the war is over.

3. What happens when Henry asks one of the soldiers what is happening?
(a) He is cursed as a deserter.
(b) He gets hit in the head with a rifle butt.
(c) He is told to shut up and run.
(d) He gets stabbed with a bayonet.

4. What does Henry recall while waiting for marching orders?
(a) Jim Conklin's death
(b) the dead soldier
(c) the corpses in the field
(d) the yellow envelope

5. What is Henry advised to avoid putting pressure on his head wound?
(a) not to talk or yell
(b) not to go to sleep
(c) not to touch the bandage
(d) not to bump his head on a tree limb

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the men at the front of the unit do when they halt in some trees?

2. After the charge, how do the men know they are safe?

3. What begins happening all around Henry?

4. What happens as the smoke begins to clear?

5. What does Henry hear in the early morning?

Short Essay Questions

1. How was Henry's reception back in the unit better than what he had hoped for?

2. After the charge, when they realized they were safe, how do some of the men return to their own lines?

3. How is Henry saved from having to tell a made-up story about his wound and separation from the group?

4. What prompts the regiment to drive on in the charge?

5. What does Henry do to prevent Wilson from being reminded of how scared he was earlier?

6. What action does Henry take when the regiment begins to show signs of running down?

7. How does Henry eventually get back to his regiment?

8. How does Henry find extra strength and courage during the charge?

9. As another charge comes toward Henry's regiment, describe Henry's emotions.

10. What does this battle prove about the regiment?

(see the answer keys)

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