The Red Badge of Courage Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Red Badge of Courage Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why has Henry delayed so many times from enlisting in the army?
(a) because of his fear
(b) because of his dreams
(c) because of his mother
(d) because of his age

2. How does Henry picture the advancing Rebels?
(a) as an advancing freight train
(b) as a great cloud of thunder
(c) as a swarm of bees
(d) as a red and green dragon

3. Why does Henry wipe his eyes with his coat sleeve?
(a) Tree bark popped into his eye.
(b) He doesn't believe what he is seeing.
(c) Sweat is running into his eyes.
(d) He doesn't have time to use a handkerchief.

4. What warning does Henry's mother give her son?
(a) to stay behind the lines
(b) to wash behind his ears
(c) to watch the company he keeps
(d) to be careful what he eats

5. Climbing over a fence, what does Henry discover?
(a) a cow he can milk to get something to fill his stomach
(b) the ground littered with the bodies of the dead and wounded
(c) a field of tall corn he can hide in
(d) a small group of other deserters

6. How is Henry shooting and reloading as the Rebels arrive?
(a) clumsily
(b) not very methodically
(c) like a machine
(d) very slowly

7. As the Union soldiers get back into position, what is happening?
(a) Fire breaks out behind them.
(b) The earth is shaking underneat them.
(c) Bullets are flying, shearing off blades of grass.
(d) Bugles are sounding loudly.

8. How does Henry first feel when he realizes that the Union has won the second battle?
(a) afraid of what will happen to him now
(b) elated
(c) betrayed in a way
(d) confused and disbelieving

9. How does Henry imagine the battle sounds he hears at night?
(a) a red and green dragons
(b) as drums in a parade
(c) as two panthers fighting
(d) as thunder in the clouds

10. What happens when Henry sees a man in front of him drop his rifle and run away?
(a) He takes a bullet in the arm.
(b) He panics and runs too.
(c) He shoots the man in the back.
(d) He yells for the lieutenant.

11. How does Henry begin to imagine himself?
(a) lying dead on a battlefield
(b) as a leader to end all wars
(c) becoming a wise general
(d) receiving a special commendation

12. What does Henry first blame for his guilty condition?
(a) the generals
(b) circumstances
(c) consequences
(d) the man in front of him who ran

13. How has Henry always viewed himself in the world?
(a) as one who always follows orders
(b) as different from other men
(c) as less intelligent than others
(d) as unimportant and useless

14. Why is Henry ordered to get Jim off the road?
(a) He is walking too slow.
(b) There are holes in the road.
(c) A battery is approaching.
(d) Snipers may shoot him.

15. What immobilizes Henry to prevent him for seeking out his regiment?
(a) He cannot make up his mind that he really wants to return.
(b) He cannot imagine how to find his regiment in all the confusion.
(c) He cannot come up with a good story about where he has been.
(d) He no longer has a rifle and cannot go into battle to fight with his hands.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Henry go to collect his thoughts?

2. What sudden event takes place after the first retreat of the Rebels?

3. What does Henry's friend reply to his offer to help him walk?

4. What does Henry wonder about seeing?

5. What question is Henry's first rationalization for his having run away?

(see the answer keys)

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