The Red Badge of Courage Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Red Badge of Courage Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Henry first feel when he realizes that the Union has won the second battle?
(a) betrayed in a way
(b) confused and disbelieving
(c) elated
(d) afraid of what will happen to him now

2. How is the regiment treated on the way to Washington?
(a) feasted at each stop
(b) railed by angry citizens
(c) kept out of the towns
(d) ignored by everyone

3. Where is Henry's regiment the morning he expects to be his first battle?
(a) near a small Southern village
(b) on the banks of a river
(c) among the trees at the edge of a grove
(d) on an open field

4. Instinctively, what does Henry feel about the future?
(a) He is hopelessly lost.
(b) His mother will not welcome him home.
(c) He will have to live in exile.
(d) He will work his way out of his predicament.

5. How does Henry describe Jim's wounds?
(a) like a butchered calf
(b) like the hole in a doughnut
(c) like his side was eaten by wolves
(d) like a split open watermelon

6. What unexpected action does Henry take?
(a) He runs deeper into the woods.
(b) He circles around to get near the Rebel army.
(c) He climbs a tree to wait for the battle to come to him.
(d) He starts running toward the battle sounds.

7. When Henry meets up with a wounded man, what does the man want to know?
(a) where he can find some water
(b) where he left his rifle
(c) where he was wounded
(d) what time it is

8. How does Henry begin to imagine himself?
(a) as a leader to end all wars
(b) becoming a wise general
(c) receiving a special commendation
(d) lying dead on a battlefield

9. What begins happening as runners come back out of the haze?
(a) the rumors and stories
(b) canon bursts
(c) orders to march
(d) heavy rainfall

10. What new fear rises in Henry as the result of the tattered man's question about his wounds?
(a) that the man knows he is a deserter
(b) that he might get wounded like him
(c) that he will be found out
(d) that he will be sent back to the front

11. What immobilizes Henry to prevent him for seeking out his regiment?
(a) He no longer has a rifle and cannot go into battle to fight with his hands.
(b) He cannot make up his mind that he really wants to return.
(c) He cannot imagine how to find his regiment in all the confusion.
(d) He cannot come up with a good story about where he has been.

12. Where does Henry go to collect his thoughts?
(a) to the camp chaplain
(b) down by a stream
(c) away from camp to lie in the grass
(d) into his tent

13. Why has Henry delayed so many times from enlisting in the army?
(a) because of his dreams
(b) because of his age
(c) because of his fear
(d) because of his mother

14. Why does the lieutenant hold his hand away from his body?
(a) so the men will turn left
(b) so the blood wouldn't drip on his pants
(c) so everyone can see his wound
(d) so he can grab his pistol quickly

15. What does it feel like to Henry as he waits for the Rebels to charge?
(a) like suffocating in a vat of oil
(b) like waiting for a parade to start when the circus comes to his village
(c) like what he imagines the judgment day is like
(d) like being buried alive

Short Answer Questions

1. How are the troops feeling as they are still on the move?

2. What warning does Henry's mother give her son?

3. What does Henry see his mother doing as he turns to look back?

4. Who impresses Henry when he stops by the school to say good-bye?

5. How does he think men perceive him?

(see the answer keys)

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