Red Storm Rising Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Red Storm Rising Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. When American forces attack the Keflavik air base, how many American planes do the Russians take down in their counter-attack?

2. Where was Georgiyevich when the information that led to the war was discussed with the Politburo?

3. What do Alekeseyev and Sergetov conclude about the Russian offensive in Germany?

4. What happens at a local farmhouse when Edwards and his men prepare to ask for food?

5. How does O'Malley try to help Morris deal with the deaths of the men on the Pharris?

Short Essay Questions

1. What contributes to Edwards's decision to relocate his men a second time?

2. Why does Morris treat the captured Russian sailors so well?

3. What happens to the helicopter Alekeseyev and Sergetov are on in Germany, and what do the men do afterward?

4. What response does Edwards provide when warned about how "tough" the 200-mile hike to Hvammsfjordur will be?

5. What prompts Sergetov to ask Georgiyevich if the war is a mistake?

6. Do the crews of the Ruben James and the Battleaxe get along?

7. What does O'Malley say is significant about the military's refusal to use the word "killing"?

8. What does Sergetov's son say when his father questions him about the war?

9. Why is Edwards berated after the incident at the farmhouse?

10. Describe Edwards's and his men's actions when they realize they have been spotted by Russian forces.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Russia's history during World War II plays an important role in the development of Red Storm. Briefly explain Russia's past conflict with Germany, then trace the significance of that history throughout the book's plot. How does the Russian government manipulate the country's past enmity with Germany to serve its own purpose?

Essay Topic 2

Near the end of the offensive in Red Storm Rising, Alekseyev feels very strongly that nuclear weapons should not be used in the conflict lest it spark a deadly nuclear exchange with Allied countries. Examine Alekseyev's thought process as he arrives at that conclusion. What is the significance of Alekseyev's reluctance to use nuclear weapons? How does the inclusion of Alekseyev's opposition to using nuclear weapons fit into the Cold War era in which Red Storm Rising was published?

Essay Topic 3

A predominant theme in Red Storm Rising is the feeling of shame, embarrassment, or humiliation. Numerous characters throughout the novel deal with those emotions, and each of them deals with their emotions in a different way. Choose three characters who experience shame, embarrassment, or humiliation, and compare and contrast their different responses to their circumstances.

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