Red Storm Rising Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Red Storm Rising Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 169 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Doghouse tells Edwards and his men are told to "take a little hike." Where are they supposed to go?
(a) The nearest American ship.
(b) A town called Hvammsfjordur.
(c) A distant Marine outpost.
(d) To meet up with another group of stranded Marines.

2. Morris and his new crew work with another ship to sink an enemy submarine. What is the other ship's name?
(a) The Battleaxe.
(b) The Harpie.
(c) The Man O' War.
(d) The Audie Murphy.

3. What happened to Edwards's girlfriend?
(a) She left him for another man when he left to go to war.
(b) She was raped and murdered at her University.
(c) She was killed by a Russian missile.
(d) She committed suicide.

4. How does Morris get the Pharris back to land after it is damaged?
(a) He fixes and restarts the engines.
(b) He arranges for a tug to pull them back to shore.
(c) He plugs the holes in the ship.
(d) He engages the ship's secondary engines.

5. Toland observes that the Allied forces are capable of beating the Russians, but they must be able to do what first?
(a) Intimidate them.
(b) Locate them.
(c) Cooperate with other countries.
(d) Buy more missiles.

6. What do Edwards and his men do with the bodies of the Russian soldiers that were killed in the farmhouse?
(a) They bury the bodies in the fields behind the farmhouse.
(b) They put them in their own jeep, push it off a cliff, and set it on fire.
(c) They leave them in the farmhouse.
(d) They arrange the bodies to make it look like they were ambushed.

7. After Morris arrives in Boston, to what city is he sent?
(a) Newport, RI.
(b) Norfolk, VA.
(c) Tampa, FL.
(d) Quantico, VA.

8. After O'Malley sinks his first live submarine, what does he say about his feelings?
(a) He says that it was the happiest day of his life.
(b) He says that he's ready to sink more submarines.
(c) He says the submarine sinking was the saddest sound he'd ever heard.
(d) He says that the Russians deserved it.

9. Morris did not receive much warning that the journalist was to join his ship, but he determines that the journalist is professional. Why?
(a) The journalist has a good reputation.
(b) The journalist stays out of the way.
(c) The journalist only carries one bag.
(d) The journalist is very well-spoken.

10. How does Morris communicate with the Russian prisoners from the sunken submarine?
(a) One of them speaks English.
(b) They use More Code.
(c) They use sign language.
(d) Morris speaks Russian.

11. What marking will the Pharris receive that indicates that it has sunk a submarine?
(a) A special flag will be flown on the ship.
(b) All of the men will be given special medals.
(c) A submarine will be painted on the bow.
(d) The Pharris will be given a new name.

12. After O'Malley sinks his first submarine, Morris asks him when he'll be ready to fly again. What does he say?
(a) He's ready to go back up now.
(b) He'll be ready next month.
(c) He'll be ready in maybe a week.
(d) He'll never be ready to fly again.

13. During his interview with Calloway, O'Malley says that the Allied troops' ability to survive depends on what?
(a) The Allied forces' ability to keep their plans secret.
(b) All troops working independantly, apart from each other.
(c) The Allies' ability to unite with other countries.
(d) All parts of the military's defenses working together.

14. In this section of the book, Sergetov questions a Russian soldier who has returned from the front. How is the soldier related to him?
(a) He is Sergetov's brother.
(b) He is Sergetov's son.
(c) He is Sergetov's cousin.
(d) He is Sergetov's nephew.

15. What does Morris do to gain information from the Russian prisoners about the whereabouts of other vessels?
(a) He gives the Russians liquor and bugs their rooms.
(b) He witholds food and water until they tell him where other ships are located.
(c) He tries to convince the Russians to cooperate.
(d) He tortures them for information.

Short Answer Questions

1. McCafferty fires three torpedoes at a Russian convoy, but is unable to confirm a hit. Why?

2. How do Alekeseyev and Sergetov leave the scene the helicopter crash?

3. The men that escape the sunken submarine are captured and taken on board the Pharris. How are they treated?

4. What is the name of Georgiyevich's driver?

5. What does Georgiyevich say his replacement told the Politburo when the war was discussed with the Politburo?

(see the answer keys)

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