Red Prophet Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Red Prophet Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who draws up the treaty that says whites can't sell "likker" to Reds?
(a) General Wayne.
(b) General William.
(c) General Anderson.
(d) General Armstrong.

2. What does Lolla see with his good eye closed first?
(a) A one-eyed bear slapping the water, fishing.
(b) None of these.
(c) A one-eyed rabbit.
(d) A one-eyed fox.

3. What does Tenska-Tawa call Alvin Miller Jr.?
(a) A Land Changer.
(b) Roach boy.
(c) A Maker.
(d) Knack boy.

4. What is the only thing for which a Red man can use a gun?
(a) Scaring White men.
(b) Driving White men off their land.
(c) Killing White men.
(d) Intimidating White men.

5. What has Tom Jefferson done to make things worse regarding the Reds in Hooch's opinion?
(a) Allowed them to own property.
(b) Given them rights.
(c) Allowed them to marry white women.
(d) Allowed them the right to vote.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Measure to keep near him?

2. What is Hooch?

3. What does Ta-Kumsaw represent to Hooch?

4. What does Governor Bill Harrison do in the afternoon following the fire?

5. For what is Lolla going in search?

Short Essay Questions

1. What message do the Reds intend to send home to Alvin and Measure's parents? How do they manage to do this?

2. How is "dying brave" kind of the Reds who catch the Wee-Aw?

3. What confuses Alvin in regards to the Shining Man's request and lesson?

4. What does Harrison attempt to do to Hooch, and what is Hooch's response to this?

5. What kinds of things does Hooch notice upon entering Carthage City once again?

6. What kinds of signs does Tenska-Tawa offer his people to prove his legitimacy as a Prophet?

7. What does Robespierre give to La Fayette and what is its purpose?

8. What is the difference in the way Hooch is treated at Carthage City as opposed to the way he is treated by the US Marshals in Suskwahenny?

9. Why has no one ever called Eleanor a pretty woman?

10. What is different regarding the way Alvin changes things compared to the way other White men change things?

(see the answer keys)

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