Red Prophet Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Red Prophet Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Lolla-Wossiky cry when it grows bitterly cold every year?
(a) He laments the passing of summer.
(b) All of these.
(c) He feels the death of bees.
(d) He feels lonely.

2. What is the only thing for which a Red man can use a gun?
(a) Intimidating White men.
(b) Driving White men off their land.
(c) Killing White men.
(d) Scaring White men.

3. Who pulls Alvin out of the water?
(a) Measure.
(b) Ta-Kumsaw.
(c) Wastenot.
(d) Tenska-Tawa.

4. What does Armor-of-God know without asking?
(a) Lolla is drunk.
(b) Lolla is hungry.
(c) All of these.
(d) Lolla is Shaw-Nee.

5. What animal does Ta-Kumsaw represent to Hooch?
(a) A panther.
(b) A lynx.
(c) An eagle.
(d) A cougar.

6. What does Alvin hear when he isn't focusing on running?
(a) Green music.
(b) Green silence.
(c) His breathing.
(d) His footfalls.

7. What nationality is the boy the Wee-Aw kill?
(a) French.
(b) Finnish.
(c) Danish.
(d) Spanish.

8. Where will White men stay, according to Tenska-Tawa?
(a) South of the Mizzipy.
(b) East of the Mizzipy.
(c) North of the Mizzipy.
(d) West of the Mizzipy.

9. What does Alvin think his father should do?
(a) Build another outhouse.
(b) None of these.
(c) Send him away to become a man.
(d) Punish his sisters.

10. What does Alvin Miller Jr. do to his father?
(a) Pat him on the head.
(b) Tousle his hair.
(c) Flick his nose.
(d) None of these.

11. How many swallows does Lolla take from the keg?
(a) Three.
(b) Two.
(c) One.
(d) Four.

12. What does Alvin do for Lolla?
(a) Heals his missing eye.
(b) Returns his green silence to him.
(c) All of these.
(d) Cures his alcoholism.

13. For what is Lolla going in search?
(a) An AA meeting
(b) Dream beast.
(c) A detox center.
(d) A tribe to join.

14. What does Hooch break on the Corporal?
(a) His elbow.
(b) His leg.
(c) His knee.
(d) His arm.

15. What does Tenska-Tawa call Alvin Miller Jr.?
(a) A Maker.
(b) A Land Changer.
(c) Knack boy.
(d) Roach boy.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much whiskey does Governor Bill Harrison pour and gulp?

2. What doesn't Alvin Jr. understand is a miracle?

3. What does Governor Bill Harrison want of Hooch?

4. Who has abducted Alvin and Measure?

5. Why ae the roaches gathered in Alvin Miller Jr.'s room?

(see the answer keys)

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