Rebel Without a Crew: Or How a 23-Year-Old Filmmaker with $7,000 Became a Hollywood Player Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert Rodríguez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rebel Without a Crew: Or How a 23-Year-Old Filmmaker with $7,000 Became a Hollywood Player Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert Rodríguez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Rodriguez like to tell interviewers?
(a) to brag about coming out of poverty
(b) to keep his secrets of economical film making to himself
(c) to talk about other people's movies
(d) to explain in technical terms how he could make the movie

2. What does Rodriguez admit to Jim, a fellow Texan?
(a) that he was just lucky
(b) that he hates film editing
(c) that he hates Hollywood
(d) that he is a fraud

3. What does Rodriguez constantly have to explain?
(a) how he got into film making in the first place
(b) why his film became so popular
(c) why he turned down so many offers before
(d) how he managed to keep the cost of production so low

4. Why does Rodriguez not like to work with professional editors?
(a) He feels that they do not really love the film
(b) He feels that they are too expensive.
(c) He thinks that are not creative.
(d) He feels that they take too long.

5. What news about Rodriguez spreads fast around Hollywood?
(a) how unmarketable his film is
(b) what a pest he makes of himself
(c) how grainy his film is
(d) his unusual filmmaking and his talent

6. What is the bad news regarding EL MARIACHI?
(a) Columbia decides to go straight to video
(b) forty feet of it is destroyed during the transfer process
(c) Mexican nationals picket the openings
(d) some theaters cancel its bookings

7. Why does Rodriguez do the subtitling himself?
(a) Only he understands the real meaning of the words.
(b) It would take 3 weeks and cost $3000.
(c) It would take 6 months to complete.
(d) It would add $15,000 to the cost of making the film

8. For what event is Rodriguez driving himself to finish editing El Mariachi?
(a) the general release of the film
(b) the Telluride Festival
(c) the Guinness Book of Records
(d) the official premier

9. What does Rodriguez tell NPR?
(a) He likes the technical part of movie making the best.
(b) He thought he would make it to Hollywood.
(c) He makes movies for the money and fame.
(d) He always knew he would make it to Hollywood.

10. For what is Rodriguez solicited after his speech at Sundance?
(a) for interviews and panels
(b) for contract negotiations
(c) for book deals
(d) for charity endorsements

11. Who greets Rodriguez and Gallardo when they arrive at the Grammy party?
(a) an army of photographers
(b) the cast of Fame
(c) Rita Moreno
(d) Miss Universe

12. What are the Columbia people considering after the reception of EL MARIACHI at the film festival?
(a) releasing the movie nationally
(b) scrapping the whole project
(c) giving Rodriguez a larger office
(d) having Rodriguez direct a new movie

13. After returning to Texas, which two Hollywood companies contact Rodriguez and want to fly him back to LA?
(a) Warner Bros. and Paramount
(b) Disney and Columbia
(c) Sean Penn and Bruce Willis
(d) Tri-Star and First Artists

14. What do Rodriguez, Gallardo, and Peter see at the festival for the first time?
(a) the panel of judges
(b) the ballots for audience members
(c) the red carpet
(d) the brand new Mariachi poster

15. What does Rodriguez classify as the main reason for professional incompetence in making movies?
(a) not much innovation
(b) the waste of money
(c) lack of vision
(d) too much technical training

Short Answer Questions

1. What actor does Rodriguez meet who wants to be in his next film?

2. What does Rodriguez ask about his per diem in Hollywood?

3. Where does Rodriguez meet Gary Oldman and Francis Ford Coppola?

4. What does a theater owner in Austin, Texas, tell Rodriguez he is doing?

5. What has created so much interest in the movie in Hollywood?

(see the answer keys)

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