Rebel Without a Crew: Or How a 23-Year-Old Filmmaker with $7,000 Became a Hollywood Player Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert Rodríguez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rebel Without a Crew: Or How a 23-Year-Old Filmmaker with $7,000 Became a Hollywood Player Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert Rodríguez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the bad news regarding EL MARIACHI?
(a) some theaters cancel its bookings
(b) Mexican nationals picket the openings
(c) Columbia decides to go straight to video
(d) forty feet of it is destroyed during the transfer process

2. Where does Rodriguez meet Gary Oldman and Francis Ford Coppola?
(a) in the Columbia commissary
(b) at the Golden Globe Awards
(c) at a movie premiere
(d) shopping on Rodeo Drive

3. What does Rodriguez like to tell interviewers?
(a) to brag about coming out of poverty
(b) to talk about other people's movies
(c) to keep his secrets of economical film making to himself
(d) to explain in technical terms how he could make the movie

4. What news about Rodriguez spreads fast around Hollywood?
(a) how unmarketable his film is
(b) how grainy his film is
(c) what a pest he makes of himself
(d) his unusual filmmaking and his talent

5. Making his speech, why does Rodriguez try to be as precise and technical as possible?
(a) so his knees will stop shaking
(b) so the speech will be as short as possible
(c) so people understand how he made the movie
(d) so people will be impressed with his knowledge

6. What good luck finally comes to Rodriguez?
(a) making another award winning short film
(b) getting a star for his next movie
(c) landing an agent and a Hollywood contract for El Mariachi
(d) getting a free ticket to New York

7. What is the latest problem with EL MARIACHI?
(a) the movie needs color correcting
(b) some dialog is garbled
(c) a distributor changes the scheduel
(d) the sound track is off

8. Who is the first celebrity Rodriguez meets on a movie set?
(a) Arnold Schwarzenegger
(b) Angela Landsbury
(c) Bruce Willis
(d) Pee Wee Herman

9. What does Rodriguez tell NPR?
(a) He likes the technical part of movie making the best.
(b) He always knew he would make it to Hollywood.
(c) He makes movies for the money and fame.
(d) He thought he would make it to Hollywood.

10. What TV show films him for an entire day?
(a) Live with David Letterman
(b) 60 minutes
(c) Entertainment Tonight
(d) 20/20

11. For what is Rodriguez solicited after his speech at Sundance?
(a) for contract negotiations
(b) for interviews and panels
(c) for book deals
(d) for charity endorsements

12. Where does Rodriguez get the studio to do the first release of his movie?
(a) El Paso, Texas
(b) Toronto, Canada
(c) Austin, Texas
(d) Juarez, Mexico

13. What does the president of Miramax want to do?
(a) to shoot a full length film of Bedhead
(b) to hire him to write scripts
(c) to purchase and release the original El Mariachi
(d) to buy his next film

14. What does Rodriguez have in addition to his large office at Columbia?
(a) a house in Burbank, CA
(b) use of a private jet
(c) a corporation based in Texas called Los Hooligans Productions, Inc
(d) an office on Rodeo Drive

15. To what news does Rodriguez not really know how to react?
(a) the shelving of the entire project
(b) the plans to film a sequel
(c) the national release of El Mariachi
(d) the mention of an Academy Award nomination

Short Answer Questions

1. Who goes with Rodriguez to Toronto?

2. What young movie maker is also at the festival screening his film, RESERVOIR DOGS?

3. Why is Alfonso Arau in Toronto?

4. After what do people start to recognize him on the street?

5. In the meantime, what happens with the short film, Bedhead?

(see the answer keys)

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