The Razor's Edge Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Razor's Edge Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of Elliott's manservant?
(a) Joseph
(b) Jack
(c) Jacques
(d) Frederick

2. How many years have Gray and Isabel spent in Paris?
(a) Three years
(b) Six years
(c) Eight years
(d) Four years

3. Why does Isabel think Sophie's disappearance is for the best?
(a) She is not a nice person.
(b) Larry did notlove her.
(c) She needs to be free.
(d) She would oppress Larry.

4. Who does Maugham meet at the police station?
(a) Larry
(b) Gray
(c) Isabel
(d) Suzanne

5. What does Elliott leave to Maugham in his will?
(a) His 18th-century pornographic book collection
(b) His money
(c) His Riveria house
(d) His Paris apartment

6. What does Elliott miss while he is bedridden?
(a) His family
(b) Eating out
(c) Parties
(d) Opium

7. What does Maugham compliment Isabel on to calm her down?
(a) Her intelligence
(b) Her shoes
(c) Her fashion sense
(d) Her looks

8. How does Sophie get to Toulouse?
(a) By train
(b) Hitchhiking
(c) Bus
(d) Hire car

9. What does Sophie say she drinks in Isabel's apartment?
(a) Polish vodka
(b) Russian vodka
(c) London gin
(d) Scottish whiskey

10. Why does Isabel plant the vodka?
(a) She would have made Larry miserable.
(b) Sophie criticizes her
(c) She wants to marry Larry.
(d) She is interested in what Sophie would do.

11. Where does Larry go when he leaves the village?
(a) Portugual
(b) England
(c) Spain
(d) Morroco

12. What does Maugham do while Isabel cries?
(a) Hugs her
(b) Reads
(c) Goes into the garden
(d) Sleeps

13. For what does Maugham say she sacrificed Larry?
(a) Two point four children
(b) A diamond ring and a mink coat
(c) Children
(d) Security

14. What city in Spain does Larry visit?
(a) Barcelona
(b) Madrid
(c) Seville
(d) Betis

15. Why does Elliott refuse to lend Paul his costume?
(a) He is crass
(b) He has no morals
(c) He is careless
(d) He is a hopeless gossip

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Elliott say the U.S is becoming?

2. For what does Mr. Achilles marry his previous wife?

3. What does he order Elliott not to do?

4. Who does Maugham meet in Toulon?

5. Who stages the best party of the season?

(see the answer keys)

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