The Razor's Edge Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Razor's Edge Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What cafe does Maugham go to in this chapter?
(a) Cafe Gourmet
(b) Cafe Du Dome
(c) Cafe Le Sin
(d) Cafe Paris

2. What character does Maugham reintroduce in this chapter?
(a) Henry Maturin
(b) Kosti
(c) Suzanne Rouzier
(d) Elliott

3. How many years has it been since Maugham last saw Isabel?
(a) Five years
(b) Fifteen years
(c) Three years
(d) Ten years

4. What does Maugham say Isabel is wearing a mask of when she stares at Larry?
(a) Hate
(b) Lust
(c) Digust
(d) Love

5. What kind of book is Larry reading in this chapter?
(a) Psychology book
(b) A travel guide
(c) A novel
(d) A sports book

6. How are Sophie's husband and daughter killed?
(a) Joint suicide
(b) In a car accident
(c) Illness
(d) They were murdered

7. In what area of France is Lens located?
(a) Western France
(b) Northern France
(c) Southern France
(d) Eastern France

8. Gray is made a partner in ______________.
(a) A clothes factory
(b) A decorating business
(c) A brokerage business
(d) A bomb factory

9. In what year does Elliott move to the French Riviera?
(a) 1924
(b) 1929
(c) 1932
(d) 1927

10. What did Isabel do instead of telling Larry she is having his baby?
(a) Tells him she loves him
(b) Gives him some money
(c) Cries
(d) Kisses him goodnight

11. Who does Larry meets in Lens?
(a) Danny
(b) Kosti
(c) Lenny
(d) Jakub

12. Why does Larry state he leaves Paris?
(a) He wants to go home.
(b) He is tired of books.
(c) He falls in love.
(d) He needescountry life.

13. What does Larry say will happen when he counts to 24?
(a) Gray will fall asleep
(b) Gray's headache will disappear
(c) Gray will disappear
(d) Gray's arm wil raise

14. What does the author admit is part of his problem in writing the novel?
(a) He is writing about friends.
(b) He is writing about an American.
(c) He is writing about Paris.
(d) He is writing about his secrets.

15. How much does Larry think that he and Isabel can live on per year?
(a) $3,000
(b) $10,000
(c) $1,000
(d) $5,000

Short Answer Questions

1. From where does Larry get the $3,000?

2. Where is Maugham leaving for after his dinner with Elliott in Chicago?

3. What two things does the author state he has changed in the book?

4. What is the only thing Larry says he is interested in doing?

5. What does Larry find out that Kosti has studied?

(see the answer keys)

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