A Raisin in the Sun Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Raisin in the Sun Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long has Beneatha wanted to be a doctor?
(a) Since her father died in an accident
(b) Since she got good grades in High School
(c) Since she had her tonsils taken out
(d) Since she witnessed an accident as a child

2. Why does Walter Lee thank Willie Harris?
(a) Because Willie taught him to focus on what counts
(b) Because Willie helped him take stock of his life
(c) Because Willie showed him how to cheat others
(d) Because Willie is going to help him start a business

3. What is the bad news?
(a) Bobo and Willie argued
(b) Willie was late meeting Bobo
(c) Willie didn't meet Bobo
(d) Willie had an accident

4. What does Mama compare Big Walter to?
(a) A faithful dog
(b) A machine
(c) An old horse
(d) A willing slave

5. What was the name of boy in Beneatha's story?
(a) Rufus
(b) David
(c) Larry
(d) Bob

6. Why is Beneatha unhappy?
(a) Because they can't move into the new house
(b) Because the insurance money is gone
(c) Because she'll never become a doctor
(d) Because she'll never visit Nigeria

7. What did people say about Mama when she was a child?
(a) That she aimed too high in life
(b) That she never paid attention
(c) That she was selfish and spoiled
(d) That she was old for her age

8. Walter Lee dreams of driving what kind of car?
(a) A two-tone sedan
(b) A silver sports car
(c) A white Cadillac
(d) A black Chrysler

9. Which generation of American Youngers does Travis represent?
(a) The third
(b) The sixth
(c) The fifth
(d) The fourth

10. Beneatha says her people have to overcome:
(a) Neighborhood gossips
(b) Racist newspaper stories
(c) The Klu Klux Klan
(d) Racist neighborhoods

11. What time are the moving men due?
(a) Five o'clock
(b) Ten past noon
(c) Four o'clock
(d) One o'clock

12. Walter Lee grabs Bobo and:
(a) Pulls his ears
(b) Shakes him
(c) Slaps him
(d) Knocks him down

13. What advice does Asagai give to Beneatha?
(a) Never let people see you crying
(b) Don't put all your eggs in one basket
(c) Don't be afraid to try something new
(d) Never be afraid to sit awhile and think

14. What does the Welcoming Committee offer to do?
(a) Sell the new house
(b) Buy the new house
(c) Paint the new house
(d) Rent the new house

15. What does Beneatha scornfully call Joseph?
(a) A martyr
(b) A dreamer
(c) A madman
(d) A hypocrite

Short Answer Questions

1. As the scene opens, what does Beneatha carry?

2. Beneatha walks by dressed in:

3. When Mama gives Walter Lee the money, she shows:

4. What will Mama take to the new house?

5. While Beneatha listens to Mr. Lindner, she:

(see the answer keys)

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