Rainbow Boys Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Alex Sánchez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rainbow Boys Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Alex Sánchez
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Nelson get angry with Kyle in Chapter 3?
(a) For thinking he might have told about Jason and the Rainbow Youth meeting.
(b) For not admiring his hair.
(c) For not standing up against Jack for him.
(d) For making him walk alone in the rain.

2. Why do Nelson and Kyle go to see Ms. MacTrough in Chapter 5?
(a) To discuss their grades.
(b) To prepare for placement tests.
(c) To discuss their college applications.
(d) To ask her to be the faculty advisor for the GSA.

3. What does Kyle reveal he was afraid his parents would do when they learned about his sexuality?
(a) They would stop loving him.
(b) That they would kick him out.
(c) They would disown him.
(d) They would physically harm him.

4. Who does Nelson turn to when he is angry with Kyle in Chapter 6?
(a) His mother.
(b) Shea.
(c) Caitlin.
(d) Blake.

5. What does Kyle's mother say he will never have because he is gay?
(a) Children.
(b) Marriage.
(c) Equality.
(d) True love.

6. What kind of organization does Debra say Nelson wants to start at the high school?
(a) A Gay dating group.
(b) A teen court group.
(c) A Gay-Straight Alliance.
(d) A Rainbow Youth club.

7. Who gives Jason the item he is wearing in Chapter 4 of which his father disapproves?
(a) Corey.
(b) Kyle.
(c) Debra.
(d) His mother.

8. What does Nelson give to Kyle at school in Chapter 2?
(a) A button with a gay slogan.
(b) A letter from Jason.
(c) A tape of a music group.
(d) An invitation to a party.

9. To what does Kyle compare kissing Nelson?
(a) To kissing his brother.
(b) To kissing his mother.
(c) To kissing his sister.
(d) To kissing his grandmother.

10. Why does Jason think his friends would not be supportive if he came out as gay to them?
(a) They bully kids like Nelson.
(b) They are afraid of things they do not understand.
(c) They are self-centered and would worry how it would look to others.
(d) They make gay jokes.

11. Why does Nelson go to Shea's at the beginning of Chapter 3?
(a) To get a haircut.
(b) To talk about college applications.
(c) To complain about Jason.
(d) To see her new dog.

12. What occupies Kyle's thoughts at the beginning of Chapter 8?
(a) Fear of failing his English exam.
(b) Jason and their tutoring session.
(c) Fear of telling Nelson about his tutoring session with Jason.
(d) Nelson and their GSA group.

13. From whom does Nelson crave attention as he states in Chapter 3?
(a) Jack.
(b) His mother.
(c) His father.
(d) Kyle.

14. With whom does Nelson's mother suggest Nelson is in love in Chapter 6?
(a) Jason.
(b) Brick.
(c) Blake.
(d) Kyle.

15. When doers Kyle first realize he is different from other boys his age?
(a) When he first sees Jason.
(b) When he meets Nelson.
(c) When his father first takes him to see a sports game.
(d) When he is very young.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Kyle say makes him feel like an alien?

2. What overwhelming emotion does Kyle's mother admit to feeling in the aftermath of learning about his sexuality?

3. What does Kyle's father show him when he gets home in Chapter 2?

4. What if PFLAG?

5. What is Nelson searching for as his mother rushes him to get to school in Chapter 6?

(see the answer keys)

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