Rain of Gold Test | Final Test - Medium

Victor Villaseñor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Rain of Gold Test | Final Test - Medium

Victor Villaseñor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What horrible act do Pedro and Jose do to their teacher?
(a) They pulled down his pants and pushed him out a window.
(b) They placed a tack on his chair and he sat on it.
(c) They threw eggs at him as he left the school for the day.
(d) They put something in his coffee that left him sick for a week.

2. After Sophia's husband dies, where does she leave to go to?
(a) The United States.
(b) The coast.
(c) Puerto Rico.
(d) Guatemala.

3. What gift does Father Ryan thank Dona Margarita's son for?
(a) Liquor.
(b) His financial donation.
(c) A new organ for the church.
(d) A new bible.

4. Where in California is Juan headed to see his sick mother?
(a) Oakland.
(b) Los Angeles.
(c) San Diego.
(d) San Francisco.

5. Why is Lupe embarrassed to drive a car in front of the other workers at the apricot fields?
(a) Because she is embarrased of the old car she would have to drive.
(b) Because she is a really bad driver.
(c) Because she is very shy and does not like people looking at her.
(d) Because women are generally not allowed to drive cars.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who sends word to Juan that his mother is very ill?

2. What does Dona Margarita tell Salvador she needs to do right as the ceremony is about to start?

3. What new name does Juan take for himself?

4. How long does Don Victor tell the priest and Salvador it will be before he gives them an answer regarding the proposal to Lupe?

5. Why does Luisa refuse to go to Salvador and Lupe's wedding?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Lupe tell her mother about her feelings for Mark and Salvador?

2. How does Juan come to learn how to make liquor?

3. How does Dona Margarita cause a commotion at Salvador's wedding?

4. How does the priest act when asking for Lupe's hand in marriage on behalf of Salvador?

5. What are the circumstances in which Lupe first sees Juan, and what does she think of him?

6. Why does Dona Margarita want to go to Chicago, and what do others think about this?

7. What are the costs of the strike to Lupe and her sisters?

8. What news does Don Victor bring back from the lowlands regarding Sophia?

9. What role does Archie play at the wedding reception?

10. What agreement do Archie and Juan come to in Chapter 18?

(see the answer keys)

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