Queens' Play Test | Final Test - Medium

Dorothy Dunnett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Queens' Play Test | Final Test - Medium

Dorothy Dunnett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What musical instrument does Lymond play while visiting with Oonagh?
(a) The harpsichord.
(b) The violin.
(c) The cello.
(d) The bellows.

2. Robin agrees to denounce his partner in the planned killing of Queen Mary if O'LiamRoe would back him in _____________________________.
(a) Establishing an imports business.
(b) Escaping to London.
(c) Revealing Lymond as Thady Boy Ballagh.
(d) Getting a courtier position.

3. How is Lymond exposed to be Thady?
(a) The scar on his arm is exposed and his identity is revealed.
(b) He fails to disguise his voice as he usually does.
(c) His wigs falls off and reveals his true identity.
(d) He plays the lute and sings for the King and the Queen Mother.

4. The French court is in ________________ enjoying the evening outdoors.
(a) Marseilles.
(b) Lyons.
(c) Candes.
(d) Rouen.

5. Who does Robin enlist to give the information he has about the next assassination attempt to Lymond?
(a) Piedar Dooly.
(b) Pippa DuBarry.
(c) Peter Dawson.
(d) Philip Doane.

Short Answer Questions

1. Lymond is still very ill from the poison and knows that ______________ is the potential killer.

2. Brice is surprised that the ________________ turned him in.

3. The King decides that Lymond must duel with whom?

4. Robin is sentenced to death and vows revenge on whom?

5. What item of Thady's is found outside the Hotel Moutier which had been on fire?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who is Antonius Beck? What does Lymond ask Michel Herisson to do regarding Beck?

2. Why is it important for O'LiamRoe to go to Oonagh to attain her compliance with talking about the murder plot?

3. How does O'LiamRoe enjoy the English court and what is the one aspect of the French court that is still of interest to him?

4. Whose name does Oonagh give O'LiamRoe as the other henchman involved in the murder plot?

5. What did Lymond spend much of his time doing in this chapter regarding the Stewarts?

6. Name some direct and indirect examples that support the riddle regarding a woman who gives herself up to a man because of what he has to offer her.

7. What role does Richard know he would be assuming when Lymond left for Ireland?

8. What are the circumstances of Brice's death and why does Lymond insist that Robin be returned to France unharmed?

9. Why is the riddle about dissolving verbal contracts relevant for Robin?

10. What deal does the French Ambassador offer to Brice and why is Brice reluctant to take it?

(see the answer keys)

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