Queens' Play Test | Final Test - Easy

Dorothy Dunnett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Queens' Play Test | Final Test - Easy

Dorothy Dunnett
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Robin is put in the arena to fight a __________________.
(a) Lion.
(b) Bear.
(c) Bull.
(d) Wild boar.

2. Who does Lymond seduce on a festive evening?
(a) Jenny.
(b) Oonagh.
(c) Anne.
(d) Margaret.

3. Lymond pays plunderers to cart him to ____________.
(a) Delacroix.
(b) Doubtance.
(c) Dover.
(d) Deauville.

4. What is Queen Mary doing as Lymond leaves her?
(a) Praying with her Bible.
(b) Crying as she watches him go.
(c) Stitching her needlework.
(d) Singing one of Thady's songs.

5. The French court is in ________________ enjoying the evening outdoors.
(a) Rouen.
(b) Candes.
(c) Marseilles.
(d) Lyons.

6. It is learned that Queen Mary is to die during ____________________.
(a) Her birthday celebration.
(b) The night.
(c) A holiday party.
(d) The Investiture.

7. The beginning of Part Three: London: The Excitement of Being Hunted: I: Blois: The Mill in Motion is written from whose perspective?
(a) Robin's.
(b) Jenny's.
(c) Margaret's.
(d) Mary's.

8. Who fires a flaming arrow at a boat near Queen Mary's boat?
(a) Cholet.
(b) Cromwell.
(c) Cardiff.
(d) Choate.

9. Brice is surprised that the ________________ turned him in.
(a) Firths.
(b) Lennoxes.
(c) Colliers.
(d) Surreys.

10. Why is Richard so upset with Lymond?
(a) Lymond had made himself the bait for the killer.
(b) Lymond tried to seduce his wife.
(c) Lymond was making treasonous statements about the King.
(d) Lymond has been slacking in his duties to protect Queen Mary.

11. At court it is decided that Queen Mary would marry the ____________________.
(a) Duke of Cambridge.
(b) King of France.
(c) Prince of Wales.
(d) Dauphin of France.

12. Oonagh agrees to give Lymond information in exchange for what?
(a) A marriage proposal.
(b) Five thousand gold coins.
(c) Five thousand Frenchmen removed from Scotland.
(d) A royal position at court.

13. Robin is sentenced to death and vows revenge on whom?
(a) O'LiamRoe.
(b) John.
(c) Lymond.
(d) The King.

14. Those who prevented the death of Queen Mary all go to ________________.
(a) The stables.
(b) The castle.
(c) A tavern.
(d) The menagerie.

15. It is learned that Oonagh and _______________ are conspiring against Lymond and Queen Mary.
(a) Richard.
(b) Mistress Boyle.
(c) O'LiamRoe.
(d) Queen Catherine.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Robin do when Lymond asks to talk to him before Robin kills him?

2. The English Ambassage Extraordinary demands that the Queen of Scots marry the ________________.

3. Lymond tells Brice that ____________________ must know where Robin Stewart is and Brice can go free.

4. O'LiamRoe goes to _____________ and finds that he likes this court better than the French one.

5. Who purchases Lymond and the cart?

(see the answer keys)

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