Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung Test | Final Test - Easy

Lester Bangs
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung Test | Final Test - Easy

Lester Bangs
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Bangs himself died of drug related causes about _____ years after the essay about Laughner was written.
(a) Four.
(b) Eight.
(c) Ten.
(d) Six.

2. In his final excerpt, Bangs rehashes his disputes with ______, lead singer from the Velvet Underground.
(a) Lou Reed.
(b) Rod Stewart.
(c) Eric Burdon.
(d) Eric Clapton.

3. Bangs suggests that Reed's latest album was inspired by _______, which Bangs jokes could solve all the worlds problems.
(a) Marijuana.
(b) Alcohol.
(c) Opiates.
(d) Amphetamines.

4. Bangs suggests that racism began to form when rock left its blues roots and became _____ music.
(a) Hispanic.
(b) Black.
(c) Arabic.
(d) White.

5. Bangs discusses Lou Reed's new album called "Metal Machine Music", which is all ______ music.
(a) Classical.
(b) Acoustic.
(c) Noise.
(d) Jazz.

6. "Growing Up True is Hard to Do" is a review of Bob Seger's album ______.
(a) Stranger in Town.
(b) L.A. Blues.
(c) Blank Generation.
(d) New Year's Eve.

7. Bangs suggests that when the title of greatness is conferred on a band it lasts _______.
(a) As long as the band is popular.
(b) Forever.
(c) A couple of years at most.
(d) As long as the music is listened to.

8. Bangs asserts that almost every band that is thought of as _______ was originally criticized for being terrible musicians.
(a) Mediocre.
(b) Innovative.
(c) Great.
(d) Stylish.

9. In the essay "Notes on Pil's Metal Box", Bangs wonders if Johnny ______'s music is just juvenile nastiness.
(a) Rotten.
(b) Terrible.
(c) Appleseed.
(d) Two-tone.

10. During the interview with Lou Reed, Bangs suggests that _______ imitates Lou Reed.
(a) Iggy Pop.
(b) David Bowie.
(c) Luther Vandross.
(d) Kraftwerk.

11. At the conclusion of the interview, Bangs decides that he has changed his opinion of Reed and that he is a _______.
(a) Loser.
(b) Basket case.
(c) Child.
(d) God.

12. Bangs is disappointed in The Clash's behavior when their driver _____ gets into fight with a young fan.
(a) Ted.
(b) Mickey.
(c) Joe.
(d) Bangs.

13. Bangs rejects the idea that punk is _____ because some bands used symbols like swastikas. He felt that it was mainly for shock value.
(a) Socialist.
(b) Communist.
(c) Racist.
(d) Facist.

14. Bangs reviewed a recent performance of Iggy Pop at the Palladium and suggested that his physical performance hints at his ______.
(a) Isolation.
(b) Depression.
(c) Martial arts training.
(d) Acrobatic skills.

15. The woman is frustrated with her relationship situation and comes up with all of the following ideas to fix it except _______.
(a) Killing him.
(b) Talking to him.
(c) Disappearing.
(d) Killing herself.

Short Answer Questions

1. The way the woman finally is able to get rid of him is ______ and making him famous.

2. In the essay "Let Us Now Praise Famous Death Dwarves", Bangs lists ways that ______ is unique, including the fact that he is willing to interview with Bangs again.

3. In his article, Bangs contends that Elvis' main contribution to rock and roll music was his ______.

4. Once on tour with The Clash, Bangs gets into a food fight and gets his hair set on fire by _______.

5. In his essay, Bangs accuses Seger of ______ because his music is not much different than others.

(see the answer keys)

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