Profiles in Courage Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Profiles in Courage Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was the Democratic majority leader in the Senate who later became Vice President?
(a) Alben Barkley.
(b) John Nance Garner.
(c) Richard Nixon.
(d) Jacob Javits.

2. Which bitter rival of Sen. Robert A. Taft actually ended up in the White House?
(a) Harry S. Truman.
(b) Dwight D. Eisenhaur.
(c) Thomas E. Dewey.
(d) Richard Nixon.

3. What disease cut short Lamar's military career?
(a) Laryngitis.
(b) Apoplexy.
(c) Dyptheria.
(d) Polio.

4. What characteristic of Sen. Taft did Kennedy suggest might best be judged after many years?
(a) How he inspired loyal devotees as well as bitter enemies.
(b) How he managed to appear charming when he was destroying an enemy.
(c) How he refrained from speaking his mind on controversial political issure.
(d) How he accepted Socialist philosophy.

5. What did Robert A. Taft have in common with John Quincey Adams?
(a) They were both Quakers.
(b) They both went on to serve on the Supreme Court.
(c) They both went to the same university.
(d) Both of their fathers had served as President of the USA.

Short Answer Questions

1. Prior to the Civil War, what notable action did Lamar undertake with Jefferson Davis?

2. After Lamar toured Mississippi to discuss his reasons for voting the way he did, how did the people react?

3. How did Ross describe his feelings just before he cast his not guilty vote?

4. What Speaker of the House did Norris oppose to the chagrin of his party?

5. What character traits did Henry Adams consider that Lamar possessed above all others?

Short Essay Questions

1. What was an outstanding act of courage performed by Sen. John Tyler of Virginia?

2. What was wrong with the situation under the lead of Czar Cannon in the House?

3. What happened to Ross after the Johnson impeachment proceedings?

4. After the Senate, what political office did Lamar hold?

5. What were Ross' feelings about the presidency that caused him to vote the way he did even though he opposed President Andrew Johnson?

6. What was the result of Lamar's appointment to oversee the recount in the Hayes-Tilden presidential vote?

7. What immediate reaction came from Gov. Dewey of New York after Taft opposed the Nazi war crimes trials?

8. How did the Senate Republicans feel about Ross when he first came to Congress?

9. What was Norris' working knowledge of both poverty and war?

10. What was the reaction of the Democrats to Taft's public statements?

(see the answer keys)

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