Private Lives Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Private Lives Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Elyot say that Amanda initially resists?

2. What does Amanda tell Victor she did to Elyot while they were married?

3. In which country is Act I set?

4. What does Elyot tell Amanda that comforts her?

5. Which character says, "Love is no use unless it's wise, and kind, and undramatic?"

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Elyot know that Amanda's statement of the two of them being in love all over again is false?

2. What are Victor and Sibyl's attitudes on the subject of their spouses' previous marriage?

3. How can the reader interpret Amanda's statement about a person's private life?

4. Why would Victor say to Amanda that she was frightening him?

5. In Act I, Amanda proclaims to Victor that women should hold some mystery. Later, Elyot tells her that she holds no mystery for him and she responds that she is glad. Why?

6. When Elyot implores Sibyl that they must leave the hotel, Sibyl is uncharacteristically firm and stubborn about staying. What happened throughout the act that may have given her more of a backbone?

7. What does Elyot's pastime of traveling the world imply about his character?

8. To Sibyl's dismay, Elyot does not care for her mother and believes that Sibyl married him in part to escape her. What do the differing attitudes about the mother reveal about Sibyl's character?

9. When discussing the possibility of getting a sunburn, Amanda remarks to Victor, "I did so hope our honeymoon was going to be progressive" in response to his declaration that he could not love her anymore than he already does. What does this statement portend about Amanda's views on relationships, particularly her marriage to Victor?

10. Victor and Sibyl both use nicknames for Amanda and Elyot (Mandy and Elli), though Amanda and Elyot always refer to each other by their full names. What is the significance of the use of nicknames in regards to these four characters?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

When Victor is questioning Amanda in Act III, she claims that she hates Elyot, though she is deeply attracted to him. Does Amanda truly hate Elyot? Can she hate him and have an attraction? How? Keep in mind how loving she and Elyot are to each other, including the fact that they make up and leave together at the end.

Essay Topic 2

Could there be any social repercussions from having domestic violence shown in an amusing light? What would happen if Elyot slapping Amanda did not lead to humorous results? How is a woman being slapped funny in this context? If you do not find it funny, then what would realistically happen if Amanda and Elyot were to really fight that way? Is it ever alright to use this for comedy? You may cite examples from other movies, plays, or books to support your answer, but make sure to use it alongside the text of the play.

Essay Topic 3

"Private Lives" is known for sharp, witty dialogue. What role does the dialogue play in this story? How does it add to the plot, humor, and character development?

(see the answer keys)

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