Private Lives Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Private Lives Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do Amanda and Elyot realize that they are sharing a terrace in the hotel?
(a) Amanda asks Elyot for a cigarette.
(b) Amanda hears Elyot shouting at Sibyl.
(c) Elyot sees Amanda with her new husband.
(d) Amanda hears Elyot singing one of their favorite songs.

2. According to Elyot, how does he feel about Amanda?
(a) He loves her.
(b) He is indifferent toward her.
(c) He is still angry at her.
(d) He despises and pities her.

3. In what building does Act I take place?
(a) A restaurant.
(b) Amanda's flat.
(c) A hotel.
(d) A casino.

4. How long were Elyot and Amanda married?
(a) Five years.
(b) Two years.
(c) They were never married.
(d) Three years.

5. When fighting with Sibyl, what does Elyot say infuriates him more than anything?
(a) Stubborness.
(b) Drunkeness.
(c) Being weak-willed.
(d) Gullibility.

6. What does Amanda tell Victor she did to Elyot while they were married?
(a) Amanda broke four records over Elyot's head.
(b) Amanda threw Elyot out of their house.
(c) Amanda threw furniture at Elyot.
(d) Amanda cheated on Elyot.

7. What does Amanda call Victor in Act 1?
(a) A "pompous ass."
(b) Not a gentleman.
(c) A windbag.
(d) A weak man.

8. What is the code-phrase that Amanda and Elyot decide to use to stop all arguments?
(a) Private lives.
(b) Sullivan Isaacs.
(c) Solomon's privacy.
(d) Solomon Isaacs.

9. What does Elyot believe is the cruelest thing he and Amanda could do?
(a) Stay in the hotel together.
(b) Stay with their spouses and pretend to love them.
(c) Abandon their spouses.
(d) Never see each other again.

10. According to Amanda, what did her and Elyot's love do to their relationship?
(a) It did nothing.
(b) It brought out the best in them.
(c) It brought out the worst in them.
(d) It transcended their problems in the relationship.

11. Which character says "I like a man to be a man?"
(a) Sibyl.
(b) Victor.
(c) Elyot.
(d) Amanda.

12. What does Amanda say they must do before they leave for Paris?
(a) They must make a pact to never quarrel again.
(b) They must go home first.
(c) They must find their spouses and explain what happened.
(d) They must leave a note for their spouses.

13. Where did Elyot and Amanda spend their honeymoon?
(a) St. Mortiz.
(b) Paris.
(c) The Taj Mahal.
(d) Lyon.

14. What does Amanda do when she realizes Elyot is in the hotel?
(a) She runs inside.
(b) She walks over to his side of the terrace.
(c) She asks him for a cigarette.
(d) She clutches her throat in shock.

15. Which factor does NOT contribute to the rekindling of Elyot and Amanda's love for each other?
(a) Hearing their song.
(b) Reminiscing about their marriage.
(c) The arguments with Victor and Sibyl.
(d) Elyot watches Amanda dance with her husband.

Short Answer Questions

1. What reason does Amanda give when she tries to convince Victor that they need to leave the hotel?

2. In Act I, Sibyl asks Elyot about Amanda. According to Elyot, what does Amanda do beautifully that Sibyl can not do?

3. What does Sibyl want to avoid?

4. What does Elyot tell Amanda that comforts her?

5. Who says, "I think very few people are completely normal really, deep down in their private lives?"

(see the answer keys)

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