Private Peaceful Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Morpurgo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Private Peaceful Test | Final Test - Easy

Michael Morpurgo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Once Thomas is back from leave, how far does the wave of advancing Germans get when the shelling stops?
(a) Not even to the barbed wire.
(b) To the middle of the back lines.
(c) They do not push forward.
(d) Into the Allied trenches.

2. What does the German soldier tell Thomas when he aims a gun to Thomas' head?
(a) You're dead.
(b) Pray.
(c) Run.
(d) Sorry.

3. What do Charlie, Thomas, and the rest of the trainees think of the war during boot camp?
(a) As a distant thing.
(b) As a necessary evil.
(c) As immoral.
(d) As glorious.

4. What is the result of Charlie's refusal?
(a) He is sent to the Navy brig.
(b) He is given a dishonorable discharge.
(c) He is sent to the front lines.
(d) He is punished every night.

5. What does Molly tell Charlie?
(a) She is pregnant.
(b) She is moving.
(c) She is marrying someone else.
(d) Her family forgives Charlie.

6. What happens when Thomas falls?
(a) His mask comes off slightly and he gets a whiff of the gas.
(b) He avoids being shot.
(c) He lands on a dead man in his company.
(d) He breaks his foot.

7. What caused most of the casualties?
(a) Illness.
(b) Mortar fire.
(c) Suicide.
(d) Plane straffing.

8. Why can't Thomas go anywhere?
(a) His leg is broken.
(b) He is blind.
(c) He is wounded too badly.
(d) They are surrounded by the enemy.

9. What is Thomas doing when someone yells that gas is coming?
(a) Writing a letter home.
(b) On guard duty.
(c) Eating.
(d) Sleeping.

10. What type of soldiers do Charlie and Thomas see in France?
(a) Elite special forces.
(b) German prisoners.
(c) Injured soldiers.
(d) Solders from many countries.

11. Why does the company huddle in their trenches for two straight days?
(a) They are told to hide.
(b) The Germans are patrolling in tanks.
(c) The snow is too bad to go out.
(d) They are being bombed.

12. What happens to Hanley?
(a) He returns to the trench where Charlie and Thomas are.
(b) He is badly wounded.
(c) He is captured.
(d) He is killed.

13. What does Hanley order the men to do?
(a) Retreat immediately.
(b) Stay put.
(c) Wait for nightfall and then retreat.
(d) Continue pursuing the Germans.

14. How does Thomas get partially buried in the dirt?
(a) A collapsing trench.
(b) By a shell explosion.
(c) A tank pushes dirt over him when it does not see him.
(d) He is partially buied under dead soldiers.

15. How long does Thomas wait hoping Charlie appears?
(a) A week.
(b) A couple hours.
(c) Several days.
(d) A night and day.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the worst thing for Charlie and Thomas where they are now?

2. What is Sergeant Hanely's nickname?

3. Where is Thomas' company sent next?

4. Where part of Thomas' body gets wounded?

5. Who does Charlie carry on his back to their lines?

(see the answer keys)

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