Private Peaceful Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Morpurgo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Private Peaceful Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Michael Morpurgo
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does one of the bigger boys say about Big Joe?
(a) That Big Joe is a natural with animals.
(b) That Big Joe should learn how to defend himself.
(c) That Big Joe is a loon.
(d) That Big Joe is a nuisance.

2. What happens when Thomas' father yells at him to run when a tree is falling down?
(a) Thomas runs and gets clear of the tree.
(b) Thomas runs into a bear trap.
(c) Thomas freezes.
(d) Thomas trips.

3. How do Charlie and Thomas thwart Grandma's scheme to rid the house of Big Joe's "pets"?
(a) They spring the mouse traps.
(b) They get their mother on their side.
(c) They leave inanimate mice around.
(d) They hide the dog under the covers.

4. What do Charlie and Thomas' mother do when the boys are caught on the Colonel's land?
(a) Stops the Colonel from whipping the boys.
(b) Pays the Colonel to teach the boys better manners.
(c) Pays the Colonel for dead fish.
(d) Allows the Colonel complete control over the boys' punishment.

5. What does Charlie refuse to tell the Colonel?
(a) Where Bertha is.
(b) If Thomas has Bertha.
(c) If Charlie thinks the Colonel is wrong.
(d) Why Charlie left early the day before.

6. What is Thomas Peaceful determined not to do?
(a) Be mean to his brother.
(b) Be angry at his father.
(c) Sleep this night.
(d) Let his mother force him to sleep.

7. Of what is Big Joe terrified?
(a) Death.
(b) The Colonel.
(c) The dark.
(d) The devil.

8. What does the Colonel demand when he comes to the cottage in the morning?
(a) That Charlie return the Colonel's gun.
(b) That Charlie tell him where Bertha is.
(c) That Charlie's mother allow the Colonel to whip him.
(d) That Charlie pay the Colonel for Bertha.

9. What does Thomas usually forgo while at school?
(a) Fighting.
(b) Eating his lunch.
(c) Flicking his lucky knife open and closed.
(d) Talking to Charlie.

10. What punishment does the Colonel decide to mete out?
(a) They have to clear an acre field of rocks.
(b) They have to cut firewood for the Colonel's house for the entire winter.
(c) None.
(d) A whipping and chores.

11. What does Thomas do after graduating from school?
(a) Work at the farm where Charlie works.
(b) Open a produce stand.
(c) Join the Navy.
(d) Go to college.

12. Why don't Charles and Thomas see Molly anymore?
(a) Because of her illness.
(b) Because she moves away.
(c) Because her father meets Big Joe.
(d) Because Molly gets angry with them.

13. What does Thomas' mother start doing for the Colonel?
(a) Supervises the hired help.
(b) Does his correspondence.
(c) Keeps his books.
(d) Takes care of the Colonel's wife.

14. How does Thomas and Charlie get rid of food they did not like?
(a) Give it to the dog.
(b) Stuff it in their pockets.
(c) Stuff the food in their mouths and run outside and spit it out.
(d) Give it to Big Joe.

15. What does Charlie figure the Colonel will find out?
(b) What Charlie has done with Bertha.
(c) That Charlie intends to marry his granddaughter.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Thomas classified as when he starts school?

2. Why does Big Joe cry uncontrollably one day?

3. Why doesn't Thomas' mother stand up to Grandma Wolf?

4. Why does Big Joe's family get worried when it becomes dark?

5. What does Charlie promise Thomas?

(see the answer keys)

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