Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Test | Final Test - Easy

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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Harry, Ron, and Hermione do when they hear Hagrid crying over Buckbeak's execution?
(a) They head back to the castle.
(b) They run to tell Dumbledore the news.
(c) They help him bury Buckbeak.
(d) They run to him to calm him.

2. Who does Harry play against in the second quidditch game of the season?
(a) Hufflepuff.
(b) Gryffindor.
(c) Slytherin.
(d) Ravenclaw.

3. What does Ron find in his room that makes him furious with Hermione after Harry's second quidditch game?
(a) His unfinished homework.
(b) A returned gift.
(c) A nasty note from her.
(d) A bloody sheet.

4. What does Harry see outside the night before the Quidditch Cup finals?
(a) A werewolf retreating into the forest.
(b) Crabbe and Goyle trying to harm his broom.
(c) Crookshanks walking with a big black dog.
(d) Sirius Black slinking along the walls.

5. What does Ron find in Hagrid's hut when he is there trying to comfort Hagrid?
(a) His old wand.
(b) His wallet.
(c) His rat.
(d) His homework.

6. What is the most haunted house in Britain called?
(a) The Shrieking Shack.
(b) The Creepy Cottage.
(c) The Goulish Gable.
(d) The Miserable Mansion.

7. Where does the tunnel under the Whomping Willow lead?
(a) Hagrid's Shack.
(b) The Forbidden Forest.
(c) The Shrieking Shack.
(d) Hogsmead Village.

8. Who told Voldemort where the Potters were on the night that they were killed?
(a) Sirius Black.
(b) Lucious Malfoy.
(c) Severus Snape.
(d) Peter Pettigrew.

9. What is it called when the dementors suck the life out of their victims?
(a) A kiss.
(b) A void.
(c) A loss.
(d) A vacuum.

10. How does James Potter's murderer escape from his chains as he is being dragged to Hogwarts?
(a) He uses a spell to undo his chains.
(b) He turns into a werewolf and breaks his own chains.
(c) He convinces them all that he is innocent and they let him go.
(d) He uses Lupin's wand to transform and run away.

11. Who is the Seeker of Ravenclaw?
(a) Seamus Finnigan.
(b) Cho Chang.
(c) Lavender Brown.
(d) Cedric Diggory.

12. What is Harry called by the man who ties up Lupin and Sirius in the Shack?
(a) A disgrace to his father's name.
(b) A poor excuse for a legend.
(c) A dirty mud blood.
(d) An arrogant boy.

13. Why does Harry decide to do with the man who was responsible for his parent's death?
(a) Kill him on the spot.
(b) Ask Dumbledore what to do.
(c) Put him in Azkaban.
(d) Take him to the dementors.

14. How did Snape find out that Lupin is a werewolf?
(a) Lupin was branded while at Hogwarts as a student.
(b) He knew from the signs he saw.
(c) Lupin once told him back when they were friends.
(d) Sirius played a trick on him and he almost got bit.

15. Who wishes Harry good luck just before he enters to field for the Quidditch Cup finals?
(a) Hermione.
(b) Ginny.
(c) Cho.
(d) Lavender.

Short Answer Questions

1. What starts running towards Ron as he nears the castle after Buckbeak's execution?

2. Who protects Sirius Black when Harry is about to kill him in the Shrieking Shack?

3. Why was the Whomping Willow planted at Hogwarts?

4. Who do Harry, Hermione, and Ron run into after their final exams?

5. Why was a finger the only thing found of Peter Pettigrew the night of his confrontation with Black?

(see the answer keys)

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