Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Test | Final Test - Easy

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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the note from Hagrid during Harry's finals say?
(a) He is being fired.
(b) He is planning to sabotage Lucious Malfoy.
(c) Buckbeak will be executed.
(d) He has found Ron's rat.

2. Who does Harry play against in the second quidditch game of the season?
(a) Slytherin.
(b) Gryffindor.
(c) Hufflepuff.
(d) Ravenclaw.

3. How do Harry and his group take the unconscious man from the Shack back to Hogwarts?
(a) They put a floating spell on him.
(b) They make a splint for him to ride.
(c) They drag him along.
(d) They don't; they leave him at the Shack.

4. What does Sirius tell Harry as they are returning to Hogwarts that makes Harry extremely happy?
(a) Sirius is innocent.
(b) Sirius sent him the firebolt.
(c) Sirius will be put to death when they return.
(d) Sirius is Harry's legal guardian.

5. Who stops Harry from taking a secret passageway to Hogsmeade?
(a) Neville Longbottom.
(b) Lupin.
(c) Snape.
(d) Peeves.

6. Who is the Seeker of Ravenclaw?
(a) Lavender Brown.
(b) Cho Chang.
(c) Cedric Diggory.
(d) Seamus Finnigan.

7. What appears on the field during the quidditch match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw?
(a) Cornelius Fudge and a group of officials from the Ministry.
(b) Three dementors.
(c) Sirius Black.
(d) A troop of ghosts.

8. Who protects Sirius Black when Harry is about to kill him in the Shrieking Shack?
(a) Ron.
(b) Lupin.
(c) Crookshanks.
(d) Hermione.

9. Who is trying to get Harry expelled when he comes to after passing out at the lake with all the dementors?
(a) Cornelius Fudge.
(b) Lupin.
(c) Snape.
(d) McGonegall.

10. What does Harry's Divination final exam consist of?
(a) Reading tea leaves.
(b) Writing an essay about everything that was learned.
(c) Using palm lines to tell the future,
(d) Gazing into a crystal ball and making predictions.

11. What does Lupin tell Snape that the map really is?
(a) A way to light cigars.
(b) An ink blotter.
(c) A magical map.
(d) A joke parchment.

12. What does Ron accuse Hermione of after finding something in his room after the second quidditch game?
(a) Letting her cat eat his rat.
(b) Insulting him in a deep and hurtful way.
(c) Not helping him like she promised.
(d) Not accepting a token of his love and friendship.

13. What does the map do when Snape tries to unlocks its secrets?
(a) Remains blank.
(b) Insults him.
(c) Spills ink.
(d) Burns to ashes.

14. What does Lupin do when he sees Sirius Black in the Shrieking Shack with Harry?
(a) He punches him.
(b) He holds his wand at the ready and demands an explanation.
(c) He faints.
(d) He hugs him like a brother.

15. What does the Minister of Magic choose to do with Sirius Black after finding him unconscious at the lake?
(a) Send him back to prison.
(b) Release him.
(c) Sacrifice him to the Dementors.
(d) Execute him himself.

Short Answer Questions

1. How are Lupin and Sirius tied up before being taken out of the Shack?

2. What causes Ron to be an instant celebrity at Hogwarts the day after the third quidditch game?

3. What do Harry, Ron, and Hermione do when they hear Hagrid crying over Buckbeak's execution?

4. What does Ron find in Hagrid's hut when he is there trying to comfort Hagrid?

5. How many times does Hermione turn her time-turner before she sends herself and Harry back in time.

(see the answer keys)

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