Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Vernon's sister say Harry should feel towards his uncle?
(a) Envy.
(b) Gratitude.
(c) Respect.
(d) Anger.

2. Who told Dumbledore about who had done what was found at the common room after the Halloween Feast?
(a) Peeves.
(b) The Fat Lady.
(c) Hagrid.
(d) Draco Malfoy.

3. How many levels does the bus have that picks Harry up off the street?
(a) 4.
(b) 1.
(c) 3.
(d) 2.

4. Where did Ron ger his magical creature?
(a) It was handed down to him by his brothers.
(b) He found it at Hogwarts.
(c) It was given to him by Hagrid.
(d) He bought it at Diagon Alley.

5. What is Harry's owl named?
(a) Henwing.
(b) Harrig.
(c) Halfling.
(d) Hedwig.

6. What is odd about Ron's rat during the beginning of the school year?
(a) His fur is coming out.
(b) He has stopped eating.
(c) He is losing weight and acting odd.
(d) He never comes out of his cage if he can help it.

7. Why does Harry try so hard to be nice to Vernon's sister when she is being so horrible to him?
(a) He knows she will punish him if he is not.
(b) He thinks that what she is saying might be true.
(c) He needs Vernon to sign a permission slip.
(d) He does not want to upset his aunt.

8. Who does Harry read about in the newspaper while riding the bus to London?
(a) Moony Lupin.
(b) Albus Dumbledore.
(c) Sirius Black.
(d) Peter Pettigrew.

9. Who is made the new Professor of Magical Creatures?
(a) Dumbledore.
(b) Hagrid.
(c) Lupin.
(d) Snape.

10. What happens when Malfoy insults Buckbeak?
(a) Buckbeak shrieks in horror.
(b) Buckbeack flies away.
(c) Buckbeak faints and plays dead.
(d) Buckbeak slashes him with his talons.

11. Where does Harry choose to spend the day after hearing some shocking news in Hogsmeade?
(a) The Weasley's house.
(b) Dumbledore's study.
(c) Hagrid's hut.
(d) His dorm room.

12. What does Harry, Ron and Hermione find when they return to their common room after the Halloween Feast?
(a) There is a threatening message written on the wall.
(b) The tapestry by the mantle has caught fire.
(c) The fat lady is missing from her picture.
(d) The door to the room has been forced open and everything is a mess.

13. Who is in the train compartment with Ron, Harry, and Hermione when they board the Hogwarts Express?
(a) Neville Longbottom.
(b) A strange man in shabby robes.
(c) Hagrid.
(d) Draco Malfoy.

14. What does Lupin tell Harry that the dementors feed off of when Harry is released from the hospital?
(a) Endurance.
(b) Courage and strength.
(c) Happiness.
(d) Fear and pain.

15. After he gets off the bus, where does Harry stay until the school year starts?
(a) Hogsmeade Inn.
(b) Hogwarts.
(c) The Leaky Cauldron.
(d) The Weasley's house.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Vernon's sister treat better than she treats Harry?

2. What position at Hogwarts has opened up once again and needs a replacement before the school year starts?

3. Who gives Lupin a potion while he is talking with Harry on Halloween?

4. What does McGonegall tell Harry's class that Professor Trelawney does every year with her new third year students?

5. What does Harry's early Christmas gift from the Weasley twins allow Harry to do?

(see the answer keys)

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