Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many levels does the bus have that picks Harry up off the street?
(a) 1.
(b) 4.
(c) 2.
(d) 3.

2. What is Harry taunted about during his first morning at Hogwarts?
(a) His behavior at the welcome feast.
(b) His episode with the dementors.
(c) His run-in with Snape.
(d) Ginny's crush on him.

3. What is the spell that the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher teaches that causes embarrassment?
(a) Embarrassio.
(b) Ridikkulus.
(c) Mockento.
(d) Sillify.

4. What is the term for non-magical people?
(a) Muggles.
(b) Morguls.
(c) Mangles.
(d) Muddles.

5. Who is made the new Professor of Magical Creatures?
(a) Lupin.
(b) Hagrid.
(c) Snape.
(d) Dumbledore.

6. What does Harry's early Christmas gift from the Weasley twins allow Harry to do?
(a) Study new ways to avoid the bludgers on the Quidditch field.
(b) Practice his moves during the holiday break.
(c) Take a secret passageway into Hogsmeade.
(d) Get a tummy ache from eating too many sweets.

7. What position at Hogwarts has opened up once again and needs a replacement before the school year starts?
(a) The ghost wrangler.
(b) The groundskeeper.
(c) The Potions master.
(d) The Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

8. What does Mr. Weasley make Harry promise just before he boards Hogwarts Express?
(a) To not sneak into Hogsmeade.
(b) To do everything that Dumbledore tells him to do.
(c) To not play Quidditch.
(d) To not go looking for Sirius Black.

9. What does Hermione name her new magical creature?
(a) Crookshanks.
(b) Crowslip.
(c) Cronkers.
(d) Creechers.

10. Where does Trelawney tell Harry that Grims traditionally walk about?
(a) Hospitals.
(b) Schools.
(c) Diagon Alley.
(d) Graveyards.

11. What does Harry need his guardians to sign before he leaves for Hogwarts?
(a) A note allowing him to take extra classes.
(b) A permission slip to go to Hogsmeade Village.
(c) His report card.
(d) A release form so he can play Quidditch.

12. What is Harry's favorite part about the time he spends alone before heading back to Hogwarts?
(a) He can get some homework done.
(b) He is free to do as he pleases.
(c) He can fly on his broom as much as he pleases.
(d) He can use his magic with no restrictions.

13. How does Harry plan to fly to London unseen?
(a) He will fly above the cloud line.
(b) He will travel at night.
(c) A magic spell.
(d) His invisibility cloak.

14. What is Hermione carrying around at the beginning of the school year due to her large class load?
(a) A large stack of books.
(b) A magic carpet bag to fit all of her supplies.
(c) A time turner.
(d) Crookshanks.

15. Why does McGonegall tell the students to not take their Divination lessons too seriously on their first day of their year?
(a) Divination is not on any OWL tests.
(b) She feels that their attention should be placed elsewhere.
(c) It is too hard for young children learn.
(d) She thinks it is the most imprecise form of magic.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Harry do when the train compartment is entered by the hooded figure in black?

2. Where does Hagrid hold his first class of the year?

3. What is the bus that picks Harry up off the street called?

4. When does Vernon's sister arrive?

5. After he gets off the bus, where does Harry stay until the school year starts?

(see the answer keys)

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